Lennart Scheys, PhD, Prof.

KU Leuven/University Hospitals Leuven, Institute for Orthopaedic Research and Training (IORT)

Prof. Scheys obtained his PhD in Engineering Sciences in 2009 at KULeuven, Belgium in which he performed research on efficient image-based methods for generating subject-specific musculoskeletal models of the lower limbs and the use thereof in the biomechanical analysis of normal and pathologic gait. After his PhD and consecutively having spent three years in the orthopaedic Industry (Smith&Nephew, European Centre for Knee Research), he is now in charge of the Institute for Orthopaedic Research and Training (IORT) overseeing the multidisciplinary research within the department of orthopaedics of University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium. Already near the end of his PhD, and still today, he has a specific research interest in the use of medical imaging for assessing and understanding knee joint function and biomechanics.