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St. Josef Krankenhaus Wuppertal Thessaloniki GREECE ISAKOS Active Member
The Internet and Social Media in Orthopaedics Berte Bøe, MD, PhD, NORWAY Samuel Okoth Owinga, MMED(Surg), KENYAScientific value of orthopedic online content posted in Social Media Albert Lin, MD, UNITED STATESHow can an orthopedic surgeon use the different media in clinical practice? Emmanouil V. Brilakis, MD, MSc, PhD, GREECEWritten communication in the Orthopaedic Society. The aspect of communication in Social Media compared to communication with colleagues in personal meetings Christos Koukos, MD, GREECEEthical considerations and legal consequences of publishing sensitive patient information: the Doctor-Patient Relationship Maristella Francesca Saccomanno, MD, PhD, ITALYHow to Succeed with your Social Media Account Ana Catarina Ângelo, MD, PORTUGALDiscussion
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 88 minutes Not yet rated
Berte Bøe, MD, PhD, NORWAY
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Research
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