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Harvard Medical School Sherborn, MA UNITED STATES ISAKOS Active Member
Outpatient Total Knee Replacement: How to Set up and Perform Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATESIntroduction Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATESHow To Make Every Arthroplasty An Outpatient Procedure: Patient Selection & Optimization For Success Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATESMy Tips & Tricks For Outpatient Arthroplasty: What Works & How I Have Changed David F. Dalury, MD, UNITED STATESAchieving Predictable Outcomes: My Personal Reflections As An Owner Of An ASC Nanne P. Kort, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDSOutpatient Joint Replacement Is The Standard Of Care: My Team & Secrets For Perfect Execution Martin W. Roche, MD, UNITED STATESEvidence & Technology To Improve Outcomes Of Outpatient TKR Wolfgang Fitz, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 46 minutes group rating (3)
Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATES
Knee Arthroplasty Team Physician Impingement Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
How Much Correction Do We Need in Malaligned Knees Roland Becker, MD, PhD, Prof., GERMANYMechanical Alignment in Varus Knees Using a Medial Joint Line Preserving Surgical Technique in CR TKA Wolfgang Fitz, MD, UNITED STATESOutcome and What Factors May Play The Most Important Impact in Outcome Assessment William J. Long, MD, FRCSC, UNITED STATESResidual Varus Doesn't Affect Results of TKA in Preop Varus Deformity Philippe Noel Neyret, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCECorrection of Intra- and Extraarticular Deformities in TKA Parag Sancheti, FRCS (Ed),MS(ORTH), DNB(ORTH), MCh(UK),Ph.D(UK), INDIAConstitutional Varus and Joint Line Jan M. K. Victor, MD, PhD, BELGIUMDiscussion Roland Becker, MD, PhD, Prof., GERMANY
2013 Congress Symposium Video 2013 Not yet rated
Roland Becker, MD, PhD, Prof., GERMANY
Knee Bones Osteoarthritis Arthroplasty