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Hachioji Higashi Orthopedic Clinic Hino-shi, Tokyo JAPAN ISAKOS Active Member
Synovial MSC Enhancement for Meniscus Regeneration in Animal Studies and Human Trial Takeshi Muneta, MD, PhD, JAPANThe Role of Fibrin Clot in Isolated Meniscal Repairs Christopher D. Harner, MD, FAOA, UNITED STATESDiscussion Christopher D. Harner, MD, FAOA, UNITED STATES
2019 Congress Lecture Video 16 minutes group rating (3)
Knee Meniscus Medial Lateral Basic Science Biologics Repair / Reconstruction Stem Cell Therapy Trauma MRI
Introduction Edward M. Wojtys, MD, UNITED STATESAnatomical ACL Reconstruction with B-PT-B in Press Fit Technique Manfred Bernard, MD, PhD, GERMANYOriginal All-Inside Technique Giuliano Giorgio Cerulli, MD, ITALYACL Reconstruction Approaching the Femoral Remnant from Behind Takeshi Muneta, MD, PhD, JAPANAn Anatomic ACL Reconstruction Restores the Common Game Between ACL & PCL Anastasios D. Georgoulis, MD, Prof., GREECEDiscussion Edward M. Wojtys, MD, UNITED STATES
2015 Congress Symposium Video 62 minutes group rating (9)
Edward M. Wojtys, MD, UNITED STATES Manfred Bernard, MD, PhD, GERMANY
Knee Ligaments ACL Repair / Reconstruction Instability Double Bundle Single Bundle
2015 Congress Paper Abstract Web rating (1)
Akimoto Nimura, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Shoulder Acromio Clavicular Capsuloligamentous Complex Ligaments Basic Science Biomechanics Repair / Reconstruction
2013 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Capsuloligamentous Complex Tendon Basic Science Rupture Tendon
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts PDF 2009 Not yet rated
Stephen M. Howell, MD, UNITED STATES
Sport Specific Population Knee Ligaments Impingement Sport Specific Injuries Arthroscopy ACL