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Director Taos Orthopaedic Institute Taos, NM UNITED STATES ISAKOS Active Member
The Glenoid Track and How It Applies to Pre-Operative Decision Making GIOVANNI DI GIACOMO, MD, ITALYIndications for Each Surgery and How to Decide Between Bankart, Bankart Plus Remplissage, Open Bankart, and Latarjet Augustus D. Mazzocca, MS, MD, UNITED STATESPlacement of the Six-O'Clock Anchor and Inferior Sutures Felix H. Savoie III, MD, UNITED STATESPlacement of the Six-O'Clock Anchor and Inferior Sutures Knut Beitzel, Prof. Dr., GERMANYBankart Plus Remplissage/Capsular Repair Dan Guttmann, MD, UNITED STATESOpen Bankart: The Repair and the Shift in Closing Stephen C. Weber, MD, UNITED STATESOpen Latarjet Andreas B. Imhoff, MD, Prof. Emeritus, GERMANYCase-Based Approach: What, When, and How? Knut Beitzel, Prof. Dr., GERMANY
2019 Congress Symposium Video 124 minutes group rating (9)
Shoulder Instability Glenohumeral Arthroscopy Capsuloligamentous Complex Ligaments Labrum CT-Scan Sport Specific Injuries Repair / Reconstruction
The Healing and Basic Science of Rotator Cuff Tears Albert Lin, MD, UNITED STATESThe Lateral Shoulder Angle, Its Utilization, and How It Relates to Rotator Cuff Francesco Franceschi, MD, Prof, ITALYThe Utilization of Single- vs. Double-Row Rotator Cuff Repairs Emilio Calvo, MD, PhD, MBA, SPAINPartial Rotator Cuff Tears and Patch Augmentation Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATESMassive Rotator Cuff Repairs: Should We Bother Fixing? Are Partial Repairs Worth Our Time? Nahum Rosenberg, MD, PhD, MOrthop, MBA, FRCS(England), Prof., ISRAELThe Truth About Tendon Transfers: Do They Work, Do We Bother in Massive Rotator Cuff Repairs, or Do We Give Up? Dan Guttmann, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussion Francesco Franceschi, MD, Prof, ITALY
2019 Congress Symposium Video 66 minutes group rating (5)
Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATES
Shoulder Tears Glenohumeral Repair / Reconstruction Muscle Tendon Basic Science Arthroscopy Autograft Supraespinoatus Tendon Injury
Standard Rotator Cuff Repair Enrique A. Salas, MD, VENEZUELAStandard Rotator Cuff Repair Dan Guttmann, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussion Enrique A. Salas, MD, VENEZUELA
2019 Congress Surgical Video Video 38 minutes group rating (8)
Shoulder Glenohumeral Tears Arthroscopy Sutures / Knots / Anchors Tendon Repair / Reconstruction Supraespinoatus Tendon Injury
Defining Successful Rotator Cuff Repair: What Does Really Matter? Albert Lin, MD, UNITED STATESPredictors of Failure of Rotator Cuff Repair Dan Guttmann, MD, UNITED STATESSurgical Treatment of Failed Rotator Cuff Repair: Non-Arthroplasty Options Albert Lin, MD, UNITED STATESBiologic Augmentation in Revision Rotator Cuff Surgery Giuseppe Milano, Prof., ITALYFailed Rotator Cuff Repair: Is Replacement the Best Choice? Francesco Franceschi, MD, Prof, ITALYDiscussion Giuseppe Milano, Prof., ITALY
2019 Congress Symposium Video 63 minutes group rating (1)
Giuseppe Milano, Prof., ITALY
Shoulder Glenohumeral Tendon Tears Outcome Studies Long Head Biceps Tendon Injury Subescapular Tendon Injury Supraespinoatus Tendon Injury
2019 Congress Micro-Learning Video rating (2)
Shoulder Glenohumeral Tears Sutures / Knots / Anchors Tendon Arthroscopy Repair / Reconstruction Supraespinoatus Tendon Injury
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts PDF 2012 Not yet rated
Sport Specific Population Shoulder Glenohumeral Muscle Tendon Tears Repair / Reconstruction Subescapular Tendon Injury Supraespinoatus Tendon Injury