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Results : 130 Media Items
2023 Congress Surgical Video Video 40 minutes rating (5)
Sachin Ramchandra Tapasvi, MBBS, MS, DNB, FRCS, INDIA
Knee Patellofemoral Instability Osteotomy Acute Patella Dislocation Patellofemoral Ligament Rupture
Legends - Lives & Contributions Relating to Pathology or Operative Technique John Bartlett, AM MB BS, FRACS, FAOA, AUSTRALIAIntroduction John Bartlett, AM MB BS, FRACS, FAOA, AUSTRALIAJohn Feagin Dean C. Taylor, MD, UNITED STATESAlbert Hoffa Leela C. Biant, MS, MFSTEd, FRCSEd(Tr&Orth), UNITED KINGDOMMass General Legends Ernest Codman, Augustus Thorndike, Carter Row Jon Jp Warner, MD, UNITED STATESAlbert Trillat Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCELennart Brostrom Jon Karlsson, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDENJohn Insall William J. Long, MD, FRCSC, UNITED STATES
2023 Congress Symposium Video 59 minutes group rating (2)
Knee Patellofemoral Cartilage Tendon Ligaments Meniscus Medial Lateral Osteoarthritis Trauma
Tricks and Pearls for the Management of Patellofemoral Instability in Children and Adolescents David H. Dejour, MD, FRANCE Elizabeth A. Arendt, MD, UNITED STATESHow to Fix and Deal with an Acute Torn MPFL (Repair Reconstruct?) Petri J. Sillanpää, MD, PhD, FINLANDAlgorithm for Surgical Indication Daniel W. Green, MD, MS, UNITED STATESIs Bony Procedure Allowed? Which One? Nikolaos K Paschos, MD, PhD, UNITED STATESHow to Fix and Deal with Osteochondral Bone Fracture David H. Dejour, MD, FRANCEDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 45 minutes group rating (4)
David H. Dejour, MD, FRANCE
Knee Patellofemoral Instability Osteotomy X-ray MRI CT-Scan Sport Specific Injuries
2023 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF Not yet rated
Deepak Goyal, MBBS, MS(Ortho), DNB(Ortho), Prof, INDIA
Knee Patellofemoral Instability Osteotomy Dislocation CT-Scan Sport Specific Injuries Biomechanics Research Arthroscopy
Nicholas Peter James Perry, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Patellofemoral Instability MRI Acute Patella Dislocation
Miho J. Tanaka, MD, PhD, UNITED STATES
Knee Patellofemoral Instability Repair / Reconstruction MRI
Elizabeth A. Arendt, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Patellofemoral Instability Outcome Studies Acute Patella Dislocation
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Dislocation Outcome Studies Repair / Reconstruction Knee Patellofemoral Physical Examination X-ray MRI Acute Patella Dislocation
2023 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF rating (1)
Maximilian Hinz, MD, GERMANY
Knee Patellofemoral Instability Osteotomy Dislocation X-ray MRI Outcome Studies
Knee Patellofemoral Dislocation Repair / Reconstruction Pediatric / Adolescent Physical Examination Outcome Studies
Isabella Bozzo, MDCM (c), M. Eng., CANADA
Knee Bones Osteotomy Patellofemoral Tibio - Fibular Posterior Pain CT-Scan Biomechanics Repair / Reconstruction Growth Abnomalities
Kimberley Kai Lun, MD, BMedSci (Hons), AUSTRALIA
Knee Patellofemoral Instability Osteotomy Repair / Reconstruction MRI Evidence Based Medicine Outcome Studies Acute Patella Dislocation
Girinivasan Chellamuthu, MBBS, MS Ortho, FIOT, FASM, INDIA
Knee Ligaments Instability Arthroscopy ACL Patellofemoral Tears MRI Practice Management Economic Analysis
Knee Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Patellofemoral Instability Dislocation X-ray Research
Nicolas Pujol, MD, FRANCE
Knee Patellofemoral Instability Osteotomy Osteoarthritis Physical Examination X-ray Outcome Studies