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Brothers Hospitallers Hospital in Katowice Jaworzno, Silesia POLAND
2023 Congress Debate Video 28 minutes rating (2)
Jacques Menetrey, Prof., SWITZERLAND
Knee Meniscus Medial Lateral Instability Physical Examination MRI
BMAC and Adipose Stem Cells in Early and Advanced OA of Different Joints Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALYBMAC and Adipose Stem Cells in Early and Advanced OA of Different Joints Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALYAlone or with Arthroscopy Rachel M. Frank, MD, UNITED STATESBasic Science behind the Use of Adipose Tissue and BMAC in Orthopaedics Daniel A. Grande, PhD, UNITED STATESHA-BMAC and Alignment Correction Katarzyna Herman, MD, POLANDCultured Adipose Derived Stem Cell vs Stromal Vascular Fraction Norimasa Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPANDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 47 minutes group rating (2)
Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALY Dawid Szwedowski, MD, PhD, POLAND
Biologics Knee Cartilage Osteoarthritis Arthritis MRI Patellofemoral Evidence Based Medicine Outcome Studies Stem Cell Therapy
Elderly Patients: Can Orthobiologics be an Option? Katarzyna Herman, MD, POLANDIntroduction Katarzyna Herman, MD, POLANDCharacteristics of an aging joint - clinical implications for biologic therapies. Dawid Szwedowski, MD, PhD, POLANDAdipose derived stem cells in injectable therapy of an aging joint - what is the evidence? Konrad Slynarski, MD, PhD, POLANDCartilage repair with adipose derived stem cells - can we help the older patients? Konrad Slynarski, MD, PhD, POLANDWharton jelly derived stem cells - a novel possibility? Boguslaw Dariusz Sadlik, Prof. assistant, POLANDDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 49 minutes Not yet rated
Katarzyna Herman, MD, POLAND
Biologics Stem Cell Therapy Osteoarthritis Evidence Based Medicine Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2023 Not yet rated
Dawid Szwedowski, MD, PhD, POLAND
Knee Bones Osteoarthritis
Updated Evidence of the Application of Biologics in Sports Medicine: Facts & Fictions! John G. Lane, MD, UNITED STATES Patrick S. H. Yung, MBChB, FRCS(Orth), FHKCOS, FHKAM, FRCS, HONG KONGBiologics in the Treatment of Achilles Tendinosis Samuel Ka-Kin Ling, MBChB, ChM, FHKCOS, FRCSEd, FHKAM, HONG KONGBiologics in the Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tear Joo Han Oh, MD, PhD, KOREA, REPUBLIC OFBiologics in the Treatment of ACL Tear Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALYBiologics in the Treatment of OA Knee Fabio Valerio Sciarretta, MD, ITALYBiologics in the Treatment of Muscle Injuries
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 68 minutes group rating (11)
Biologics Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Ankle / Foot / Calf Knee Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tendon Ligaments Osteoarthritis ACL