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Brigham and Women's Hospital Boston, MA UNITED STATES ISAKOS Active Member
2015 Congress Paper Abstract Web rating (1)
Sport Specific Population Shoulder Glenohumeral Bones Cartilage Dislocation Instability Fracture Physical Examination CT-Scan
2013 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Anish Ghodadra, MD, UNITED STATES
Elderly Knee Osteoarthritis Outcome Studies
Elderly Knee Bones Osteoarthritis X-ray MRI Biomechanics Aedema
Robert A. Magnussen, MD, MPH, UNITED STATES
Knee Ligaments Instability Outcome Studies Autograft Repair / Reconstruction Single Bundle ACL
Support received from PaciraEditorial or Governing board of Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine