Osvandré L. Lech, Prof.

Passo Fundo, RS BRAZIL

Osvandré Lech, M.D. www.lech.med.br lech@lech.med.br / (updated Feb 15, 2019) Chief, Shoulder and Elbow, UFFS/HSVP/IOT, Passo Fundo, Brazil Chairman, Int Board of Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (IBSES) Medical degree in 1979, at the age of 23. Residency at Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia (IOT) and Sao Vicente de Paulo University Hospital, Passo Fundo, Brazil Married to Marilise B. Lech, phD in Education and professor at the University of Passo Fundo. Daughter Graciela, 24. Son Leonardo, 22. Fellowship in Hand and Microsurgery at the Univ of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, in 1983, under Harold Kleinert`s team. Fellowship in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery at Columbia University, New York, in 1986, under Charles Neer and Louis Bigliani. Visited world leaders in the field, as Bill Seitz (USA), Hiroaki Fukuda (Japan), Gilles Walch (France). Founding Member (1998) and Past President (1993-1994) of the Brazilian Shoulder and Elbow Society. Founding Member (1994) and Past President (1997) of the Latin-American Shoulder and Elbow Society. President of the Orthopaedic Society of Rio Grande do Sul State (2000-2001). President of the Brazilian Hand Society (2001) . President of the Brazilian Orthopaedic Society (SBOT) in 2011. More than 1.200 lectures in all five continents, wrote about 100 articles, and many books and book chapters in hand, shoulder and history of medicine. Honorary member of Orthopaedic Societies in Bolívia, Equador, Argentina, Uruguay. Editorial Board member of the Rev Brasil Ortop (RBO), Bone and Joint Journal (England), Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (USA), Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Arthroplasty (USA), Acta of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. Co-chairman of the 10th International Congress of the Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, in Brazil, in 2007. President of the 40o Brazilian Orthop Meeting in 2008. Founding Member Academy of Medicine of Passo Fundo in 2003. Visiting Professor at the Univ of Louisville, Kleinert & Kutz Hand Surgery in 2012. Past President (2012-13) of the Academy of Writers and Scientists of Passo Fundo.

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