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Results : 237 Media Items
The IOC's Approach to Prevent Injury and Illness in Olympic Athletes Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, NORWAY Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCEInjuries and Illnesses during the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Summer GamesScience and the IOC: Consensus StatementClimate Changes and the Olympic Games Mark R. Hutchinson, Professor, MD, FACSM, FAANA, FAAOS, UNITED STATESMedicine, Injury and the impact of Covid in the Tokyo Olympic Games Daisuke Araki, MD, PhD, JAPANAn Example: Ankle Sprain in an Olympic Year Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSConclusion: Experiences with the Paris Olympic Games
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 82 minutes group rating (12)
Lars Engebretsen, MD, PhD, NORWAY Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCE
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Team Physician Sprain Preventative Sports Medicine
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Perspective eBook 2024 rating (4)
Tendon Tears Repair / Reconstruction Autograft
Advances in the Athlete’s Foot and Ankle Pieter D'Hooghe, MD PhD MBA, QATAR Norimasa Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN Yasuhito Tanaka, Prof., JAPANThe Unstable Athlete’s Ankle Megan R. Wolf, MD, UNITED STATESThe Athlete’s Ankle Cartilage Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSThe State of the Art of Syndesmosis Injury Atsushi Teramoto, MD, PhD, JAPANArthroscopic Lateral Ligament Reconstruction Bruno Christian Richard Olory, MD, QATARUltrasound Guided Repair of the Lateral Ligaments of the Ankle Soichi Hattori, MD, PhD, UNITED STATES
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 71 minutes group rating (15)
Pieter D'Hooghe, MD PhD MBA, QATAR Norimasa Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN Yasuhito Tanaka, Prof., JAPAN
Ligaments Repair / Reconstruction Cartilage Instability
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Perspective eBook 2024 rating (1)
Masato Takao, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Ligaments Arthroscopy Repair / Reconstruction
2023 Congress Award Manuscript PDF 10 minutes Not yet rated
Rajagopalakrishnan Ramakanth, D.ortho, DNB(ortho), D.SICOT, INDIA
Subtalar Instability: What is It? Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSSubtalar (pseudo) instability: sense or non-sense!? Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDSSubtalar Joint Anatomy and Pathomechanics: what do we know anno 2023 Frederick Michels, MD, PhD, BELGIUMA History of Subtalar Instability, what is the reach of conservative treatment? Bruno S. Pereira, MD, PhD, Prof., PORTUGALSubtalar instability in young and old, when conservative treatment fails! Kenneth J. Hunt, MD, UNITED STATESSubtalar instability and osteochondral defects, what can we do? Cristian Alejandro Ortiz, MD, CHILEDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 63 minutes group rating (1)
Gino M. M. J. Kerkhoffs, MD, PhD, Prof., NETHERLANDS
Instability Ligaments Fracture Sport Specific Injuries Repair / Reconstruction Arthroscopy Autograft Basic Science Joints Bones
Injury Prevention in Sports Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALYImportance of prevention in Sports Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALYAnkle Ligament Injuries Pieter D'Hooghe, MD PhD MBA, QATARShoulder Ligament Injuries Gazi Huri, Prof. MD, QATARKnee Ligament Injuries Lynn Snyder-Mackler, PT, ScD, FAPTA, UNITED STATESThe New ACL Paradigm Bert Roland Mandelbaum, MD, DHL(Hon), UNITED STATESDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 52 minutes group rating (1)
Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALY
Knee Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Shoulder Ligaments Sport Specific Injuries ACL Hip / Groin / Thigh Trauma Impingement Instability
Approach to Musculotendinous Injuries in High Performance Athletes Ferran Abat, MD, PhD, SPAINOverview on Tendinopathies Christopher C. Kaeding, MD, UNITED STATESManagement of the Tennis Leg Injury in Sports Franco Della Vedova, ARGENTINASurgical Treatment of Proximal Ischiotibialis Injuries Carlos A. Guanche, MD, UNITED STATESClinical Cases on Lower Limb Musclotendinous Injuries in High-level Soccer Athletes Kanto Nagai, MD, PhD, JAPANVideo-Analysis of Muscle Injuries in Professional Footballer Players Francesco Della Villa, MD, ITALY
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 89 minutes group rating (1)
Ferran Abat, MD, PhD, SPAIN
Muscle Sport Specific Injuries Biologics Hip / Groin / Thigh Tendon MRI Ultrasound Basic Science Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Preventative Sports Medicine
Controversies in Achilles Tendon Ruptures C. Niek van Dijk, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDSIntroduction C. Niek van Dijk, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDSThe Role of Rehabilitation in Optimizing Length, Strength and Function Karin Grävare Silbernagel, PT, PhD, ATC, UNITED STATESFHL Transfer: Enhanced Healing or More Muscle Strength? Nasef Mohamed N. Abdellatif, MD, PhD., EGYPTRestoration of Spiral Fascicular Anatomy: Is this Repair Worth It? Robert Smigielski, MD, PhD, POLANDDiscussion
C. Niek van Dijk, MD, PhD, NETHERLANDS
Tendon Tears Repair / Reconstruction Rehabilition / Physical Therapy
2023 Congress Surgical Video Video 31 minutes rating (2)
Pim Van Dijk, MD, PhD, MScEpi, NETHERLANDS
Tendon Dislocation Rupture Tendon Achilles Tendon
How to Manage Muscle Injuries in 2023 Mark R. Hutchinson, Professor, MD, FACSM, FAANA, FAAOS, UNITED STATESIntroductionStats and Current Approaches to Hamstrings/Adductors Lasse Lempainen, MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor, FINLANDStats and Common Approaches to Quad/Calf Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALYStats and Current Approaches for Pec/Prox Biceps Peter T. Myers, AM, MBBS, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAPanel Discussion/Case Challenges/Global Perspective
2023 Congress Symposium Video 46 minutes group rating (2)
Mark R. Hutchinson, Professor, MD, FACSM, FAANA, FAAOS, UNITED STATES
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Shoulder Hip / Groin / Thigh Muscle Tears Sport Specific Injuries
2023 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF Not yet rated
Julian Hollander, BSc, NETHERLANDS
Cartilage Osteoarthritis Arthritis
Bones Impingement Arthroscopy Bursa Outcome Studies
Sushant Kishor, MBBS, D.ORTHO, INDIA
Joints Dislocation Capsuloligamentous Complex X-ray CT-Scan Basic Science Rehabilition / Physical Therapy Outcome Studies
James J. Butler, MB, BCh, UNITED STATES
Tendon Biologics MRI Ultrasound Basic Science Evidence Based Medicine Outcome Studies Achilles Tendon