ISAKOS Approved Teaching Center

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Hospital das Clinicas, Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine

Center Information

Avenida Bandeirantes 3900, 11 andar
Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo 14048-900

Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine

Primary Language Spoken: Portuguese
Sponosoring ISAKOS Member(s): Fabricio Fogagnolo

Contact Information

Fabricio Fogagnolo, University of Sao Paulo

Fellowship Program Information

Affiliation (Center Type): University of Sao Paulo (Teaching, Academic, University)
Fellowship Training Session or Other Educational Opportunity Length: 3 months to 1 year
Can the Center customize educational opportunities for participants?: Yes
Fellows Accepted Per Year: 4
Faculty Participating in Fellowship Education: Fabricio Fogagnolo, MD, Knee Surgery Murilo Humberto Tobias Marins, MD, Knee Surgery Rogerio Bitar, MD, Foot and Ankle Surgery and Arthroscopy Ricardo Antônio Tavares, MD, Knee Surgery João Batista M. Torres, MD, Knee Surgery
Recent activity of Teaching Center: Our Center has been nationally and internationally recognized for organizing events in the Knee Surgery and trauma fields for more than 10 years (INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON KNEE TRAUMA). We also have been an AO Teaching Center for the last 20 years, with visitors from all over the world.

Financial Support and Expenses

Types of Financial Support Available: No financial assistance or other support is available
Other support that the Teaching Center can provide: Our staff will assist in finding accomodation and transportation.
Estimate of Living Expenses (Housing and other major costs): Unfortunately, we do not have housing or scholarships available yet, but we do believe we could get some financing from medical companies if our center is approved. A guests' house with very low costs is available at the university Campus. It is possible to live comfortably with 500 to 600 dollars per month if fellow stays at the guests' house.

Anticipated Fellowship Participation in Surgical Cases

Arthroscopy 30%
Knee Surgery 30%
Sports Medicine 10%
Lower Extremity Trauma 30%
Area(s) of Specialty: Ankle Arthroscopy Knee Arthroplasty Knee Arthroscopy
Role of the fellow with respect to Clinical, Surgical, Research, and other opportunities: Same as above: Fellow will be involved in at least one research project and will develop his clinical activities in 2 tertiary level university hospitals. It is possible to see follow-up patients, to scrub in and to participate in surgeries with staff members at other regional hospitals. Research is focused on knee arthroplasties and knee ligament reconstruction.
Types of Educational Opportunities: Scrub in for surgery, Assist in clinics under supervision, Receive hands-on training, Assist with research, Didactic sessions, Publishing opportunities
Research projects, research facilities and resources, cadaver labs, publication opportunities, integration of the patient and public involvement, and the role of the fellow: Fellow will be involved in at least one research project and will develop his clinical activities in 2 tertiary level university hospitals. It is possible to see follow-up patients, to scrub in and to participate in surgeries with staff members at other regional hospitals. Research is focused on knee arthroplasties and knee ligament reconstruction.
Related Conference/Lecture Schedule: We meet for 2 to 3 hours on weekly basis for literature review and clinical cases discussion. Grand rounds are performed daily in the morning. We also have an arthroscopy wet-lab facility for training with animal models. Knee Journal Clubs are carried out on bi-monthly basis with visiting professors.
Athletic Team Coverage: None officially. We see only non-professional athletes, as well as university students with sports-injuries.