Current Trends In The Use Of Postless Hip Arthroscopy: A Survey Of The International Society For Hip Arthroscopy Membership

Current Trends In The Use Of Postless Hip Arthroscopy: A Survey Of The International Society For Hip Arthroscopy Membership

Matthew J. Kraeutler, MD, UNITED STATES Sydney M Fasulo, MD, UNITED STATES Joshua D. Harris, MD, UNITED STATES Omer Mei-Dan, MD, UNITED STATES Anthony Scillia, UNITED STATES

St. Joseph's University Medical Center, Paterson, NJ, UNITED STATES

2023 Congress   ePoster Presentation   2023 Congress   Not yet rated


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Summary: Although use of a perineal post is still a more common setup technique amongst hip arthroscopists, approximately one-third of surgeons use a postless technique, often due to perineal complications with a post.


The purpose of this study was to assess the current international trends in the use of postless hip arthroscopy among hip preservation specialists.


An anonymous 12-item survey was sent by e-mail to all members of the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy (ISHA) in January 2022. Surgeons were asked various questions regarding their current use of post-assisted/postless hip arthroscopy, if they had changed their setup technique during their career and the reason for change, as well as their perceived rate of pudendal nerve and/or perineal soft tissue injuries using their current technique.


A total of 100 surveys were completed from 431 ISHA members (23.2%). Sixty-one percent of the surgeons currently use a perineal post, while 33% use a postless technique. Seventy-five percent of perineal post users and 97% of postless users self-reported a rate of pudendal nerve and/or soft tissue injury of <1%. Among 38 respondents who indicated changing their technique at some point, 50% reported doing so due to pudendal nerve and/or soft tissue complications. Twenty-one of 34 surgeons (62%) who switched from a perineal post to a postless setup indicated they have noticed a decrease in the rate of pudendal nerve and/or soft tissue complications.


Although use of a perineal post is still a more common setup technique amongst hip arthroscopists, approximately one-third of surgeons use a postless technique. Surgeons who have switched to a postless technique often did so due to perineal complications with the majority noticing a decrease in these complications with use of postless hip arthroscopy.

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