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McMaster University Hamilton, ON CANADA Nicole Simunovic is the Research Manager for the McMaster University Sports Medicine (MacSports) Research Group. Ms. Simunovic completed her BSc at Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada) in 2005 and began her career in basic science cancer research. She then obtained a MSc in Health Research Methodology (Clinical Epidemiology designation) at McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) in 2009 and began coordinating orthopaedic trauma surgical trials before leading research activities at MacSports Medicine and Research in 2012. She has published more than 180 academic publications and co-authored/presented more than 170 presentations at international meetings in sports medicince and related research. Ms. Simunovic has served as a peer-reviewer for several journals and is a member of the International Society for Hip Arthroscopy Research Committee (2021). Ms. Simunovic has extensive experience in managing multi-centre trials and the peer-review process. ISAKOS Allied Specialty Member
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