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Results : 125 Media Items
2023 Congress Global Case-Based Discussion Video 63 minutes rating (4)
Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZIL
Knee Ligaments Instability Sport Specific Injuries Autograft Pediatric / Adolescent Female Athletes Gender Specific Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population
2023 Congress Surgical Demonstration Video 27 minutes rating (13)
Charles Henry Brown, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Ligaments Autograft
Timing of ACL Reconstruction, With and Without Meniscal and Collateral Structures Involved Karl Eriksson, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDENIntroduction Karl Eriksson, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDENExperience with Acute ACL Reconstruction, Pros and Cons Björn Barenius, MD, PhD, ass. Prof., SWEDENACL Surgery and Collateral Injuries, How Does it Affect Your Game Plan and Timing Berte Bøe, MD, PhD, NORWAYComplex Meniscus Injuries and ACL Surgery. Aspects of Timing, All in One or Staged Sachin Tapasvi, MBBS, MS, DNB, FRCS, INDIATiming of ACL Surgery in Professional Athletes, Practical Algorithms Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet, MD, PhD, FRANCETiming of ACL Surgery in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients Justin P. Roe, MB BS BSc(Med) Hons, A/Prof., AUSTRALIAACL Repair, Aspects of Timing Gregory S. Difelice, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 49 minutes group rating (7)
Karl Eriksson, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDEN
Knee Ligaments Repair / Reconstruction Meniscus Instability Outcome Studies MRI MC Ligament LC Ligament Posterolateral Corner
AOSSM: Revision ACLR Mark D. Miller, MD, UNITED STATESCauses of Failure in Primary ACLROne-Stage Revision ACLRTwo-Stage Revision ACLRMARS Lessons Learned Rick W. Wright, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussion
2023 Congress Partner Society Symposium Video 61 minutes group rating (3)
Knee Ligaments Instability Arthroscopy Physical Examination X-ray MRI CT-Scan Autograft Failed
2023 Congress Debate Video 29 minutes rating (2)
Romain Seil, MD, Prof., LUXEMBOURG
Knee Ligaments Instability Repair / Reconstruction Pediatric / Adolescent Physical Examination X-ray MRI Outcome Studies Research
Ensuring Good Results from Primary ACL Reconstruction Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAIndications for ACL Reconstruction, Including the Role of Non-operative Management Jacques Menetrey, Prof., SWITZERLANDPreoperative: Overall Plan/Prehabilitation/Timing Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAGraft Choice for Primary ACLR Simon Ball, MA, FRCS(Tr&Orth), UNITED KINGDOMTechnical Aspects of Surgery Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIARole of Anterolateral Augmentation Yee-Han Dave Lee, MBBS, FRCS(Ortho), SINGAPOREAnterolateral Augmentation Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAPost-operative Management Peter T. Myers, AM, MBBS, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAPost-op Management Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIA
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 91 minutes group rating (8)
Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIA
Knee Repair / Reconstruction Instability Ligaments Sport Specific Injuries Physical Examination MRI Exercise Physiology Team Physician Rehabilition / Physical Therapy
2023 Congress Surgical Video Video 26 minutes rating (2)
Knee Ligaments
2023 Congress Global Case-Based Discussion Video 90 minutes rating (1)
Ryosuke Kuroda, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Knee Ligaments Instability Arthroscopy Sport Specific Population Sport Specific Injuries
Robotics in ACL and Osteotomies Pieter D'Hooghe, MD PhD MBA, QATARIntroduction Pieter D'Hooghe, MD PhD MBA, QATARState of the Art on Osteotomy: Where are We and How Will Robots Help Us in the Future Adrian J. Wilson, MBBS BSc FRCS, UNITED KINGDOMThere's No Place for Robotics in HTO Matthieu Ollivier, Prof, MD, PhD , FRANCERobotic ACL Raghbir S. Khakha, MBBS, MSc, FRCS, UNITED KINGDOMState of the Art on ACL Reconstruction: Where are We and How Will Robots Help Us in the Future? Filippo Familiari, MD, Prof., ITALYDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 51 minutes group rating (2)
Pieter D'Hooghe, MD PhD MBA, QATAR
Knee Osteotomy Instability Bones Ligaments Repair / Reconstruction Physical Examination X-ray MRI Sport Specific Injuries
Injury Prevention in Sports Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALYImportance of prevention in Sports Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALYAnkle Ligament Injuries Pieter D'Hooghe, MD PhD MBA, QATARShoulder Ligament Injuries Gazi Huri, Prof. MD, QATARKnee Ligament Injuries Lynn Snyder-Mackler, PT, ScD, FAPTA, UNITED STATESThe New ACL Paradigm Bert Roland Mandelbaum, MD, DHL(Hon), UNITED STATESDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 52 minutes group rating (1)
Gian Luigi Canata, MD, ITALY
Knee Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Ankle / Foot / Calf Shoulder Ligaments Sport Specific Injuries Hip / Groin / Thigh Trauma Impingement Instability
When Should I Add a Lateral Procedure to an ACLR Alan Getgood, MD, FRCS(Tr&Orth), DipSEM, QATARIntroduction Alan Getgood, MD, FRCS(Tr&Orth), DipSEM, QATARBiomechanics of anterolateral rotatory laxity Timothy Lording, MBBS, FRACS, AUSTRALIAALL recon: The SANTI experience Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet, MD, PhD, FRANCELET: The Stability Experience Alan Getgood, MD, FRCS(Tr&Orth), DipSEM, QATARWhen do I add an anterolateral procedure Robert G. Marx, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 48 minutes group rating (1)
Alan Getgood, MD, FRCS(Tr&Orth), DipSEM, QATAR
Knee Ligaments Repair / Reconstruction Instability Tears Anterolateral Ligament
How to Revise ACL Successfully Tahsin Beyzadeoglu, MD, Prof., TURKEYIntroduction Tahsin Beyzadeoglu, MD, Prof., TURKEYWhy does ACLR fail? Mary K. Mulcahey, MD, UNITED STATESPreparation for Revision ACL Surgery Rik Kundra, MD, FRCS(Orth), MFSEM(UK), DipSportsMed, UNITED ARAB EMIRATESGraft Options in Revision ACL Surgery Karl Eriksson, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDENManagement of the tunnels: Single or Two-Staged Revision ACL Surgery? Rainer Siebold, Prof. Dr. med., GERMANYCombined Procedures with Revision ACL Surgery (ALLR, Osteotomy) Mathieu Thaunat, MD, FRANCECase Presentations, Q&A
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 92 minutes Not yet rated
Tahsin Beyzadeoglu, MD, Prof., TURKEY
Knee Ligaments Instability Failed Capsuloligamentous Complex Sprain Repair / Reconstruction X-ray MRI CT-Scan
2023 Congress ePoster Presentation PDF Not yet rated
Knee Ligaments Tears Repair / Reconstruction Pediatric / Adolescent Sport Specific Population Practice Management Sport Specific Injuries Outcome Studies Research
Knee Ligaments Tears Autograft Pediatric / Adolescent Instability Practice Management Sport Specific Injuries Evidence Based Medicine Outcome Studies
Michael Tim Yun Ong, MBChB(UK), BSc(UK), MRCS(Edin), MSc(CUHK), FRCSEd, HONG KONG
Knee Ligaments Instability Autograft Sport Specific Population CT-Scan Outcome Studies