Electromyography of the Pectoralis Major Muscle after Surgical Reconstruction of Chronic Tendon Rupture

Electromyography of the Pectoralis Major Muscle after Surgical Reconstruction of Chronic Tendon Rupture

Benno Ejnisman, MD, BRAZIL Alberto C. Pocchini, BRAZIL Tieslivi Vieira, MD, BRAZIL Eduardo Bracco Cianciarulo, md, BRAZIL Carlos V. Andreoli, PhD, BRAZIL Leandro MASINI Ribeiro, BRAZIL Paulo Henrique Schmidt Lara, MD, BRAZIL Andre Fukunishi Fukunishi Yamada, PhD, BRAZIL Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZIL

Universidade Federal de São Paulo - UNIFESP, São Paulo, São Paulo, BRAZIL

2023 Congress   ePoster Presentation   2023 Congress   Not yet rated


Diagnosis / Condition

Patient Populations

Anatomic Location

Anatomic Structure

Diagnosis Method

Treatment / Technique

Summary: The role of electromyography of pectoralis major in the chronic tendon rupture

Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the PM about the electrophysiological activity
of the injured muscle of operated patients who perform weightlifting, more specifically
bench press exercises, especially the activity of the clavicular and sternocostal portions
of the PM.


All athletes in study I (10 patients) had unilateral complete ruptures during
bench press exercise and a history of anabolic steroid use, an association that is
described in up to 86.7% of PM tendon ruptures. The control group included 10 men
without PM tendon injury who did not perform bench press exercises. Description of the
cross-sectional design. The p values were obtained by multiple comparisons with
Bonferroni correction.


In the comparison between the control (G3) group and weightlifters during the
postoperative period (G4), we found no evidence of differences in any measurements
obtained in the clavicular and sternocostal portions of the PM muscle: clavicular aver
level (p = 0.847), clavicular SD (p = 0.777), clavicular area (p = 0.933), clavicular
median (p = 0.972), sternocostal aver level (p = 0.633), sternocostal SD (p = 0.602),
sternocostal area (p = 0.931) and sternocostal median (p = 0.633).


In this study, the electromyographic activity of the PM muscle in
weightlifting athletes (bench press exercise) who underwent surgery was within normal
parameters for the clavicular and sternocostal portions studied.

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