Freddie Fu Lifetime Achievement Award

Sponsored by Smith+Nephew

Inspiration for this Award

Renowned orthopaedic surgeon and friend to all, Freddie H. Fu, MD USA, was an original ISAKOS member since its creation in 1995, and served as ISAKOS President from 2009-2011. A David Silver Professor, Chair of the UPMC Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and head team physician for the University of Pittsburgh Athletic Department, Fu was a beloved mentor and legend in orthopaedic sports medicine. He repaired the knees of thousands of patients and published papers that were cited more than 60,000 times.

Known for his stylish and attention-grabbing attire, Fu was known worldwide as a brilliant orthopaedic surgeon and a leader in the field—one who treated high-level athletes and everyday patients equally. Though constantly working and traveling, he always found time for his family and hobbies and passions, such as photography and theater. Along with his wife, Hilda Pang Fu, whom he met at a party in Hong Kong, Fu was a longtime supporter of the Arts, including the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre and Pittsburgh Symphony. Fu was a vibrant light—always learning, thinking, teaching, and doing something to make life better for his patients, trainees, and the community. His impact throughout the world was monumental and has left behind a remarkable legacy.

Past Winners

Purpose of the Award

The Freddie Fu Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest pinnacle of honor bestowed by ISAKOS, established to recognize an ISAKOS Member for their distinguished service to the Society, plus their significant contributions to the field(s) of arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine.

Candidates nominated for this award should be ISAKOS active members with a history of service to the society, who have distinguished themselves by attaining professional preeminence. Through their personal character and leadership, extraordinary contributions to clinical practice, medical education, and research, and years of enduring and outstanding service to ISAKOS they have advanced the field and practice of orthopaedic sports medicine.

The recipient of the Freddie Fu Lifetime Achievement Award will be invited to present at the Congress during the “Freddie Fu Honor Lecture”. ISAKOS will cover the cost of airfare (up to $2,500) and waive registration to the Congress for the recipient. In addition, a US $5,000 donation will be made in the recipient’s name to support the upcoming ISAKOS Traveling Fellowships.

Eligibility Requirements

Active ISAKOS Members are invited to nominate a candidate through the online nomination form. Nominations must be received by August 1, 2024.

Candidates for the Freddie Fu Lifetime Achievement Award should be:

  • Active Members of ISAKOS who have been engaged with the Association for more than 10 years as a member and leader (Congress Faculty, Committee member/Chair, Board service/officer, etc.)
  • Well-regarded specialists in the field(s) of arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine
  • Individuals with major contribution(s) in the area(s) of academia, science, research and clinical patient care
  • Persons who embody the character and values of Freddie Fu, MD: selfless service, high-energy passion for life, diverse interests
  • Surgeons who have provided meaningful contributions within their own institutions(s)/Country

ISAKOS Active & Honorary Members must log in to nominate a candidate.


Candidates will be asked to confirm their willingness to be considered for the Freddie Fu Lifetime Achievement Award, while also confirming their attendance and ability to present a lecture at the 2025 ISAKOS Congress held in Munich, Germany on June 8-11, 2025.

Candidates will be given the opportunity to provide a brief, no more than 5-page, biography including:

  1. Background information and education
  2. Publication and Research Summary
  3. Practice Information and Affiliations
  4. Involvement with other related societies
  5. Current and past leadership positions held with other societies


The recipient of the Freddie Fu Lifetime Achievement Award will be invited to present at the 15th Biennial Congress in Munich, Germany during the “Freddie Fu Honor Lecture”. ISAKOS will cover the cost of airfare (up to $2,500) to Boston and waive registration to the Congress for the recipient. In addition, a US $5,000 donation will be made in the recipient’s name to support the 2025-2027 ISAKOS Traveling Fellowships.