Prospective Study of Jones Fractures Screening

Prospective Study of Jones Fractures Screening

Hiroaki Seto, MD, PhD, JAPAN

Sports and Health studies, Hosei University, Tokyo, JAPAN

2023 Congress   ePoster Presentation   2023 Congress   Not yet rated


Anatomic Location

Anatomic Structure

Diagnosis / Condition

Diagnosis Method

Summary: This study was to investigate that perform Jones fracture screening and to determine the incidence of Jones fractures.


Fifth metatarsal stress fracture (Jones fracture) is a fracture that is relatively easy to occur among stress fractures, and it takes a long time to recover, and it is not uncommon to have nonunion or re-fracture, so prevention is important. becomes. In this study, we performed a longitudinal examination for Jones' fracture as Jones fracture screening.


From 2016 to 2022, we followed 58 players (116 feet) of elite university soccer players for 4 years. We underwent medical checks and used ultrasound image. The examination were tenderness, internal rotation angle of the hip joint, and ultrasound image. If an incomplete fracture was suspected by ultrasound image (positive player), an X-ray examination was performed as a secondary examination.


39 feet (33.6%) were positive for primary screening for follow up period. In the secondary screening, Jones' incomplete fracture was diagnosed in 12 feet (10.3%) of all feet, with a positive rate of primary screening of 33.3%. Regarding the internal rotation angle of the hip joint, when limited to athletes with Jones fracture or incomplete fracture on one side, contracture of 1.2 degrees was observed in positive and healthy side, but there was no significant difference. There were four Jones complete fractures on 4 feet, two of whom had just joined the club and had not yet undergone medical examination, and one who had suffered the fracture early in the first year of medical examination.


All players with incomplete fractures could be treated while continuing to play. There were 4 feet who had incomplete fractures during the following period, but 1 player developed a fracture 3 months after the initial checkup, and 2 players had an onset immediately after joining the club and were believed to have had Jones' incomplete fractures since high school. Only two patient was considered to have had a Jones complete fracture during the following period. No exacerbation of incomplete fracture was observed in any patient. In the future, in order to examine the sensitivity of screening, it is necessary to compare the results with X-ray.

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