ISAKOS Approved Teaching Center

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Center Information

ARTA, ARTA 47100

Arthroscopic Surgery (Knee, Shoulder, Ankle), Adult Reconstruction(TKA, UKA, THA, Osteotomies), Trauma ans Sport's Trauma

Primary Language Spoken: GREEK
Sponosoring ISAKOS Member(s): YES

Contact Information


Fellowship Program Information

Affiliation (Center Type): University of Patras (Andreas Pangopoulos ) (Teaching, Academic, University)
Fellowship Training Session or Other Educational Opportunity Length: 3 months
Can the Center customize educational opportunities for participants?: Yes
Fellows Accepted Per Year: 3
Faculty Participating in Fellowship Education: Chouliaras Vasileios, MD, Knee , Ankle & Shoulder Arthsocopy (2 years in ATOS Clinic, Heidelberg) Mandellos Georgios (TKA, UKA in Oxford)
Recent activity of Teaching Center: Organization of Seminars of the Hellenic Arthroscopic Society (Webinar in 14/4/2021, Seminar in 10-11/9/2021 in Ioannina, Theoretical Arthroscopic Seminar Arta 31/3-2/4/2023, Cadaveric Workshop 9/2023 in Athens)

Financial Support and Expenses

Types of Financial Support Available: No financial assistance or other support is available
Other support that the Teaching Center can provide: Transport to and from the Hospital, Accomodation in scientific meetings
Estimate of Living Expenses (Housing and other major costs): No, the cost for Housing is about 280$ per month, Lunch will be arranged in the Hospital Restaurant

Anticipated Fellowship Participation in Surgical Cases

Arthroscopy 25%
Knee Surgery 25%
Sports Medicine 25%
Adult reconstruction 25%
Area(s) of Specialty: Ankle Arthroscopy Knee Arthroplasty Knee Arthroscopy Hip Arthroplasty Pediatrics Shoulder Arthroscopy
Role of the fellow with respect to Clinical, Surgical, Research, and other opportunities: Participation in Operations, Participation in Consultation, Participation in the projects of the Department
Types of Educational Opportunities: Scrub in for surgery, Assist in clinics under supervision, Receive hands-on training, Publishing opportunities
Research projects, research facilities and resources, cadaver labs, publication opportunities, integration of the patient and public involvement, and the role of the fellow: Participate in operations, Participate in projects (ACLR in children & Adolescents, ACL Augmentation, ACLR in middle age, Bucket Handle tears and MRI, Hybrid Repair in meniscal tears)
Related Conference/Lecture Schedule: 3 cadaveric workshops per year in the Hospital
Athletic Team Coverage: