ISAKOS Approved Teaching Center

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Artros- Center for Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine

Center Information

Tehnoloski park 21
Ljubljana, 1000

knee, shoulder,hip, Ankle, Foot, spine,rehabilitation, sports injury

Primary Language Spoken: English, German, Slovenian, Srbian, Arabic.Italian
Sponosoring ISAKOS Member(s): yes

Contact Information

Assoc. Prof. Mohsen Hussein, M.D., Ph.d, Director

Fellowship Program Information

Affiliation (Center Type): University of Maribor, University Novo mesto and University of Primorska (Teaching, Academic, University)
Fellowship Training Session or Other Educational Opportunity Length: 30-60 days
Can the Center customize educational opportunities for participants?:
Fellows Accepted Per Year: 5
Faculty Participating in Fellowship Education: Mohsen hussein: Knee surgery,arthroscopy, ACL; PCL and multiligament injury. stem cells therapy. Martin Mikek: Shoulder, elbow and hip Arthroscopy. Klemen Grabljevec, rehabilitation Andrej Lahajner: spine, hip, foot and ankle. Bostjan Gosnik: knee and hip.
Recent activity of Teaching Center: Lisandro Nardin, Argentina Houssain Saed, Iran Emilio Lopez-Vidriero, Spain

Financial Support and Expenses

Types of Financial Support Available:
Other support that the Teaching Center can provide:
Estimate of Living Expenses (Housing and other major costs): Yes, housing is available.

Anticipated Fellowship Participation in Surgical Cases

Arthroscopy 30%
Knee Surgery 50%
Sports Medicine 20%
Area(s) of Specialty: Ankle Arthroscopy Biologics Elbow/Wrist Arthroscopy Knee Arthroplasty Knee Arthroscopy Hip Arthroplasty Hip Arthroscopy Shoulder Arthroplasty Shoulder Arthroscopy
Role of the fellow with respect to Clinical, Surgical, Research, and other opportunities: Attendant will be at the morning in the operative room. Then he’ll be with his mentor at the office or will be included in researches. He can be inculded in activities of our researche center ICRM
Types of Educational Opportunities:
Research projects, research facilities and resources, cadaver labs, publication opportunities, integration of the patient and public involvement, and the role of the fellow: we have many ongoing studies: 2 ongoing clinical studies about ACL. 1 Long term results of ACL reconstruczion 2. study about results of stem cell therapy comparing bone marrow and adipose stem cells. 3. compare hialuronic acid, PRP and stem cell therapy in mildosteoarthritis 4. Stem cells: Allogenic, MSC and adipose.
Related Conference/Lecture Schedule: International Live Arthroscopy festival: www.arthroscopy-festival-com. Ground riunds weekly
Athletic Team Coverage: Olympia-basketball team