Fellowship Program Information
Affiliation (Center Type): hospital moriah (Teaching, Academic, University)
Fellowship Training Session or Other Educational Opportunity Length: Monthly Sessions
Can the Center customize educational opportunities for participants?: Yes
Fellows Accepted Per Year: 2
Faculty Participating in Fellowship Education: sergio morioka MD hip and knee arthroscopy-minimally invasive surgery
luiz fernando teochi MD hip arthroscopy, sport and eduardo sune Cristiano MD knee surgery
Recent activity of Teaching Center: Development of surgical instruments, participation on International and Local Meetings
Financial Support and Expenses
Types of Financial Support Available: No financial assistance or other support is available, Monthly Stipend of 1000
Other support that the Teaching Center can provide: No
Estimate of Living Expenses (Housing and other major costs): 1000
Anticipated Fellowship Participation in Surgical Cases
Arthroscopy 20%
Knee Surgery 20%
Hip artroplasty 30%
Knee artroplasty 30%
Area(s) of Specialty: Knee Arthroplasty Knee Arthroscopy Hip Arthroplasty Hip Arthroscopy
Role of the fellow with respect to Clinical, Surgical, Research, and other opportunities: Surgical skills
Types of Educational Opportunities: Participate as an observer only, Assist with research
Research projects, research facilities and resources, cadaver labs, publication opportunities, integration of the patient and public involvement, and the role of the fellow: Focus on HIP arthroscopy with 15 years of experience
Minimally invasive reconstrutive surgery on knee and hip replacement
Early reabiltation with CPM knee surgery as line research
Athletic team coverage-professional bullriders and rodeo injuries
brasilian jiu jitsu regional team
brasilian tenis team
Related Conference/Lecture Schedule: 1 courses per year
Athletic Team Coverage: PBR Brazil - Bull riding coverage events