ISAKOS Approved Teaching Center

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University of Toronto

Center Information

Mount Sinai Hospital
Mount Sinai Hospital
Toronto, Ontario M5G1X1

Shoulder, Elbow, Hip, Knee and Ankle with an emphasis in Sports Related Injuries and Soft Tissue Trauma

Primary Language Spoken: English
Sponosoring ISAKOS Member(s): John Theodoropoulos

Contact Information

John Theodoropoulos, Program Director, University of Toronto Sports Medicine (UTOSM) Fellowship

Fellowship Program Information

Affiliation (Center Type): University of Toronto (Teaching, Academic, University)
Fellowship Training Session or Other Educational Opportunity Length: 12 months Aug 1- July 31
Can the Center customize educational opportunities for participants?: Yes
Fellows Accepted Per Year: 7
Faculty Participating in Fellowship Education: STAFF Dr. John Theodoropoulos – Fellowship Director, Assistant Professor (WCH, MSH). Special interests: shoulder, knee, articular cartilage, clinical research Dr. Daniel Whelan - Program Director, Assistant Professor (WCH,SMH). Special Interests: knee, hip arthroscopy, knee dislocations, clinical epidemiology research Dr. Jihad Abouali - Lecturer (TEGH). Special Interests: general sports, knee, shoulder, collaborative research Dr. Jas Chahal – Assistant Professor (WCH, UHN). Special Interests: shoulder, knee, clinical epidemiology research Dr. Tim Dwyer – Associate Professor (WCH, MSH). Special Interests: shoulder, knee, education research Dr. Tim Leroux - Assistant Professor (WCH, TWH) Special Interest: shoulder reconstruction Dr. Paul Marks – Associate Professor (Sunnybrook Hospital)Special Interests: knee, articular cartilage and ACL research Dr. David Wasserstein - Associate Professor (Sunnybrook Hospital, WCH) Special Interests: Adult and pediatric Knee, foot & ankle and biomechanics research Dr. Christian Veillette - Assistant Professor (WCH, UHN). Special Interests: shoulder, elbow, MSC in tendon repair, informatics, IT, and clinical research Dr. Daniel Whelan - Assistant Professor (WCH,SMH). Special Interests: knee, hip arthroscopy, knee dislocations, clinical epidemiology research
Recent activity of Teaching Center: The Division of Orthopaedics, University of Toronto is a large, multi-sited Division with over 60 faculty members located at 7 University of Toronto affiliated teaching hospitals, and numerous community-affiliated hospitals. We are involved in teaching over 60 residents enrolled in our postgraduate program in orthopaedics, 70 fellows from over 23 countries of origin, and approximately 220 undergraduate students during their clinical clerkship period.

Financial Support and Expenses

Types of Financial Support Available: A stipend is provided
Other support that the Teaching Center can provide: The fellow is paid an annual salary. 78,190.61 CDN
Estimate of Living Expenses (Housing and other major costs): Housing is responsibility of fellow. Annual salary adequate to cover living expenses.

Anticipated Fellowship Participation in Surgical Cases

Arthroscopy 90%
Knee Surgery 50%
Sports Medicine 90%
Trauma 5%
Shoulder Arthroplasty 10%
Area(s) of Specialty: Ankle Arthroscopy Biologics Elbow/Wrist Arthroscopy Knee Arthroscopy Hip Arthroscopy Shoulder Arthroplasty Shoulder Arthroscopy
Role of the fellow with respect to Clinical, Surgical, Research, and other opportunities: Clinical and Research
Types of Educational Opportunities: Manage patients directly, Scrub in for surgery, Assist in clinics under supervision, Work on cadavers, Receive hands-on training, Assist with research, Pediatrics, Didactic sessions, Publishing opportunities
Research projects, research facilities and resources, cadaver labs, publication opportunities, integration of the patient and public involvement, and the role of the fellow: The fellow will be given adequate weekly time for reading and research. Within the first month of the fellowship, the fellow will pick up and begin and original research project (either basic science or clinical). The fellow will provide monthly updates to Drs. Theodoropoulos and Whelan. The project must be completed in publishable form by the completion of the fellowship.
Related Conference/Lecture Schedule: Tuesday Sports Medicine Rounds – The fellow is expected to be ready to present one case per monthat city wide sports medicine rounds. The fellow will also be given several didactic lecture topics to give during the course of the year at both trauma and sports medicine rounds at both Mount Sinai and St. Michael's Hospital.
Athletic Team Coverage: Fellow responsible for game coverage of minor professional hockey team and additional coverage of professional baseball, hockey and basketball as needed.