Select ISAKOS Membership Type

Individuals who demonstrate interest or ability in the fields of medicine or science and who have demonstrated an interest in arthroscopy, knee surgery, and orthopaedic sports medicine shall be eligible. Associate members are not eligible to hold office in the society and shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of the members of the society. Associate members receive Journal of ISAKOS: Joint Disorders & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, as well as the ISAKOS newsletter, all societal mailings and reduced registration fees at the ISAKOS congresses.

Associate members must pay annual dues of US $409 and, with a sponsorship from an Active or Emeritus member, are eligible for upgrade to Active Membership. For more information on Active Membership, click here.

Individuals other than medical doctors, including professors, registered nurses, physical therapists, scientists, and physician's assistants with an interest in arthroscopy, knee surgery, and orthopaedic sports medicine. Allied Specialty members are not currently eligible to vote at Society meetings, hold office in the Society, or be upgraded to Active Membership. Allied Specialty members receive a full subscription to the Journal of ISAKOS: Joint Disorders & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine as well as the ISAKOS Newsletter and all societal mailings, and automatically qualify for the reduced Allied Health registration rate at the ISAKOS Congress.

Allied Specialty members must pay annual dues of US $409. For more information on Allied Specialty Membership, visit ISAKOS Membership Information.

Individuals enrolled in a Residency or Fellowship Program, as well as Medical Students, are eligible for up to five years of free In-Training ISAKOS Membership. To qualify for In-Training Membership, Residents, Fellows and Medical Students must submit proof of their residency/fellowship/educational program or verified letter of enrollment with program duration or end date. In-Training members are not eligible to vote at Society meetings, hold office in the Society, or be upgraded to Active Membership. Upon the conclusion of an In-Training Membership, the member has the option to upgrade to Associate Membership without having to reapply for membership. For more information on In-Training Membership, click here.