ISAKOS Research Grants Program

THANK YOU for your interest in the ISAKOS initiative for orthopaedic research and education. The purpose of the ISAKOS Research Grants Program is to provide ISAKOS members with a resource for funding the highest quality international research in arthroscopy, knee surgery and orthopaedic sports medicine. The applicant must be the principal investigator and an Active Member of ISAKOS in good standing.

ISAKOS Research Grants

The ISAKOS Research Grants are offered every two years. ISAKOS consider applications for four types of grants.

  • New Researcher - Four possible grants for eligible applications with scientific merit.
    • New Researcher grant qualification: has not received external funding over $15,000; no significant history of publication, presentations, or research/experiment participation.
  • Translational Research - Four possible grants for eligible applications with scientific merit.
    • Foster high quality clinical or translational research in early osteoarthritis and prevention, as well as treatment of osteoarthritis. 
    • Could include total knee replacement, osteotomy, meniscal transplant, OCD transplant, etc.
  • Clinical Outcomes - One grant for eligible applications with scientific merit.
    • Support outcomes research through well-designed clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of interventions in orthopaedic sports medicine
    • Example: Level I - III study on biologics in Rotator Cuff repair
  • Countries with Limited Resources - Two possible grants for eligible applications with scientific merit.
    • Awarded to a Finalist from a Country with Limited Resources defined by the World Health Organization

The objective of the ISAKOS Research Grants is to encourage quality research in the topic areas of knee surgery, sports medicine and arthroscopy. Clinical relevance must be clearly noted in the abstract and specific aims and be obvious from the title and the study design. Both laboratory and clinical projects are suitable, but in either case clinical relevance must be explicitly and clearly described.

Past Winners

Who Should Apply?


The applicant must be the principal investigator and an Active Member of ISAKOS in good standing.

  • The orthopaedic surgeon/principal investigator must provide a statement on time to be allocated to the project indicating percent of average time allocated and how time will be spent. It is suggested that a timetable be provided as part of the Research Plan, to be included with the grant application.
  • All proposals must be clinical or translational, including the study of live patients, cadaveric models or animals.
  • Applicants are limited to one submission per individual for grant funding term.
  • ISAKOS will fund only one research grant per institution per year.
  • All members of the ISAKOS Grant Review Committee (IGRC) and the Executive Committee and their institutions are not eligible to apply. The ISAKOS Grant Review Committee (IGRC) consists of the Scientific Committee Chairs (Chair, Deputy Chair, and Immediate Past Chair). The Executive Committee will serve as final review of disputed winners. Elected Grants are sent to Executive Committee to confirm correct rules were followed for Review Process.
  • All members of Research Infrastructure Task Force are not eligible to apply. The Task Force will make recommendations related to international research collaborations and registries.

Important Dates

Application Available: May 1, 2025 - August 1, 2025
Grant Period: Annual upon receipt of notification
Grant Notification: ISAKOS will notify each applicant by letter/email
Grant Amount: $10,000 - $50,000 depending on Grant Type

Grant Application:

Please print, read and complete the following documents before starting the ISAKOS Research Grants online application.

  • Application Instructions
  • Form 1: Research Plan Word Doc
  • Form 2: Performance Sites & Resources Word Doc
  • Form 3: Key Personnel Word Doc
  • Form 4: Biographical Sketch for Key Personnel Word Doc
  • Form 5: Detailed Budget & Justification Word Doc
  • Form 6: Other Support Word Doc

ISAKOS Research Grants Policy

All ISAKOS Research Grants are expected to abide by the following Policy & Procedures


Please contact the Grants Administrator at the ISAKOS office
Contact Us

ISAKOS gratefully acknowledges the support for countries with limited resources provided by: Arthrex

Supported in part by an educational grant from contributing sponsor: Smith+Nephew