Hemiarthroplasty Of The Ankle Joint

Hemiarthroplasty Of The Ankle Joint

Manuel Jose Pellegrini, MD, CHILE Ana Inés Butteri, MD, CHILE Felipe Chaparro Ravazzano, MD, CHILE Giovanni Carcuro, MD, CHILE Cristian Alejandro Ortiz, MD, CHILE Aaron Cortes, PhD, CHILE

Clinica Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago de Chile, Region Metropolitana, CHILE

2021 Congress   ePoster Presentation     rating (1)


Anatomic Location

Anatomic Structure

Diagnosis / Condition

Treatment / Technique

Diagnosis Method

Sports Medicine

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Summary: Ankle hemiarthroplasty arises as a reliable intermediate option for a difficult to treat condition, in which ankle arthrodesis or total ankle replacement appears to be excessive surgery for the condition.


Ankle hemiarthroplasty is a one-piece implant system replacing the talar side of the tibiotalar joint. Compared with ankle arthrodesis and total ankle arthroplasty, the hemiarthroplasty has limited bone resection and simpler revision surgery.


Prospective, single-center, non-comparative, non-randomized clinical study. Participants received an ankle hemiarthroplasty and 5 years followed-up including clinical and functional evaluations.


Preliminary data resulted from baseline, 3 months and 12 months follow-up. Sample size: 10; mean age: 42 years old; six male; mean symptoms duration: 24 weeks. Pain VAS score: 6.8 and 2.6. SF-36 Physical Health score: 28, 32 and 41. SF-36 Mental Health: 43, 42 and 53. SMFA Functional Index: 42, 40 and 34. SMFA Bother Index: 50, 42 and 40. AOFAS: 31, 41 and 52.


Despite the small sample size and preliminary results, a clear tendency of pain reduction, functionality improvements and better quality of life was observed.

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