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Clínicas Espregueira - FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence Porto PORTUGAL ISAKOS Active Member
2023 Congress Debate Video 28 minutes rating (2)
Jacques Menetrey, Prof., SWITZERLAND
Knee Meniscus Medial Lateral Instability Physical Examination MRI
The Osteochondral Unit: Subchondral Bone Cartilage and Joints Daniel A. Grande, PhD, UNITED STATESOverview of osteochondral repair towards tissue regeneration Daniel A. Grande, PhD, UNITED STATESCurrent concepts in subchondral bone pathologies John G. Lane, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussionOptions for surgical treatment in 2023 João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGALSubchondral lesions of the knee, treatment with the osteo-core plasty technique Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALYMSC-based strategy Kazunori Shimomura, MD, PhD, Prof., JAPAN
2023 Congress Symposium Video 53 minutes group rating (1)
Daniel A. Grande, PhD, UNITED STATES Norimasa Nakamura, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Knee Biologics Cartilage Osteoarthritis Arthritis Stem Cell Therapy Synovial Bones MRI
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2022 Not yet rated
Ricardo Bastos, MD, PhD, Prof., PORTUGAL
Knee Meniscus Osteoarthritis Transplantation
ISAKOS & Patellofemoral Foundation Highlights of Current Research from 2018-2021 João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGAL John P. Fulkerson, MD, UNITED STATESPF Basic Science and Mechanics Andrew J. Cosgarea, MD, UNITED STATESSurgical Treatment of Patellofemoral Arthritis Ryosuke Kuroda, MD, PhD, JAPANPatellofemoral Joint Preservation Surgery Vicente Sanchis-Alfonso, MD, PhD, SPAINImportance, Proper indications and Benefits of Tibial Tuberosity Transfer in Patellofemoral Surgery Alessandra Berton, MD, ITALY
2021 Congress Symposium Video 53 minutes group rating (15)
João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGAL John P. Fulkerson, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Patellofemoral Instability Osteotomy Repair / Reconstruction Osteoarthritis Recurrent Subluxation and Dislocation Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis Patellofemoral Ligament Rupture Acute Patella Dislocation
Retorno al Deporte de Pivoteo Después de ACLReturn to Pivoting Sports After ACL ReconstructionIntroducciónTesteo Rotacional Antes del Retorno al Deporte João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGALParámetros Clínicos y Funcionales para Retorno al Deporte de Pivot Post Reconstrucción del LCA Rodrigo Maestu, MD, ARGENTINAParámetros Funcionales y Artrométricas para el Retorno Deportivo en Futbolistas Profesionales Fernando Radice, MD, CHILEParámetros Para Retorno al Deporte. Tiempo, Fuerza y RM Joan Carles Monllau, MD, PhD, Prof., SPAINMini Conferencia: ¿Cuál es la Evidencia? Revisión Sistemática Manuel F. Mosquera Arango, MD, COLOMBIA
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 86 minutes group rating (34)
Knee Ligaments ACL Repair / Reconstruction Rehabilition / Physical Therapy
Introduction Mark G. Clatworthy, FRACS, NEW ZEALANDComplex ACL and Revision ACL Cases Timothy S. Whitehead, MBBS, FRACS, AUSTRALIAPCL and Multiligament Injuries Brett A. Fritsch, MBBS BSc(Med), FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAMeniscal Repair Cases Annunziato Amendola, MD, UNITED STATESOsteotomy Cases Christopher J. Vertullo, MBBS, PhD, FRACS(Orth), AUSTRALIAArticular Cartilage Repair Cases Seth L. Sherman, MD, UNITED STATESPatellofemoral Instability Cases Elizabeth A. Arendt, MD, UNITED STATESPatellofemoral Instability Cases Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAPatellofemoral Instability Cases Alan Getgood, MD, FRCS(Tr&Orth), DipSEM, QATARPatellofemoral Instability Cases Petri J. Sillanpää, MD, PhD, FINLANDDiscussion Elizabeth A. Arendt, MD, UNITED STATES
2019 Congress Symposium Video 168 minutes group rating (3)
Knee Patellofemoral Instability Osteoarthritis Recurrent Subluxation and Dislocation Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis Osteotomy Cartilage Meniscus Repair / Reconstruction
Link Between Instability Evaluation and Surgical Practices Christophe H. Hulet, MD, Prof., FRANCEClinical Relevance of High-Grade Pivot-Shift Ryosuke Kuroda, MD, PhD, JAPANKnee Laxity Measurements in Stress MRI: Global Instability and Football João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGALThe Utility of Measuring Pivot-Shift Pre-, Intra-, and Post-Operative Stefano Zaffagnini, MD, Prof., ITALYWhy and When the Medial Knee Stability Is Important in Football Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZILCan Quantitative Pivot-Shift Predict Clinical Outcome? Volker Musahl, MD, Prof., UNITED STATESDiscussion João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGAL
2019 Congress Symposium Video 92 minutes group rating (2)
Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZIL
Knee Ligaments ACL Outcome Studies Autograft Repair / Reconstruction MC Ligament Capsuloligamentous Complex Muscle Meniscus
Tendon and Muscles Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZILMeniscus João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGALLigaments Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD, UNITED STATESDiscussion Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD, UNITED STATES
2019 Congress Symposium Video 38 minutes Not yet rated
Knee Ligaments Meniscus ACL Cartilage Medial Lateral Osteoarthritis Tears Physical Examination
2019 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Joni L. Soares Nunes, MD, PORTUGAL
Shoulder Glenohumeral Muscle Tendon Tears Physical Examination MRI Ultrasound Practice Management Epidemiology
Elección de Injertos para RLCA: Cosecha y Preparación Juan Pablo Previgliano, MD, ARGENTINAReconstrucción Anatómica del LCA: ¿Es la Mejor Opción? Jesus Ignacio Cardona-Munoz, MD, MSc, MEXICOCinturón y Tiradores para la Revisión del LCA: Tenodesis Lateral Extra-Articular Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINARetorno Seguro al Fútbol Profesional Luego de una Reparación del LCA Armando Daniel Martinez, MD, ARGENTINAPreguntas y Respuestas: Ping Pong de Problemas y Soluciones, Presentador y Faculties João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGAL
2019 Congress Symposium Video 43 minutes Not yet rated
Knee Ligaments Instability ACL Sport Specific Injuries Repair / Reconstruction Arthroscopy Autograft Capsuloligamentous Complex Tendon
Reconstrucción del LCP: Injertos, Túneles, y Bandas Manuel Leyes, MD, PhD, SPAINReconstrucciones Posterolaterales: Como Hacerlas Bien Carlos E. S. Franciozi, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZILPreguntas y Respuestas: Ping Pong de Problemas y Soluciones, Presentador y Faculties Manuel Leyes, MD, PhD, SPAINAnatomía de la Región Posterolateral y su Reconstrucción Anatómica Robert F. LaPrade, MD, PhD, UNITED STATESQuadriceps Tendon Graft: Maximizando la Reconstrucción del LCA Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZILReconstrucción del Ligamento Patelofemoral Medial y TTA João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGAL
2019 Congress Symposium Video 70 minutes group rating (7)
Knee Ligaments PCL Posterolateral Corner Repair / Reconstruction Allograft Autograft Instability MRI ACL
Knee Patellofemoral Ligaments Physical Examination MRI CT-Scan
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2018 Not yet rated
Rogério B. Pereira, BHKin, BSc, PORTUGAL
Knee Ligaments ACL
The Power of the Football Worldwide - My Experience Jiri Dvorak, MD, Prof., SWITZERLANDThe European Center of Excellence - ACL Lesion João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGALThe South American Center of Excellence - Meniscus and Tibial Collateral Ligament Tear Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZILKobe FIFA Center of Excellence - Cartilage Lesions Ryosuke Kuroda, MD, PhD, JAPANCase Discussions
2017 Congress Symposium Video 63 minutes group rating (4)
Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZIL João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGAL
Preventative Sports Medicine Knee Ligaments Epidemiology Outcome Studies Trauma Instability Sprain Sport Specific Injuries ACL
Cadaver Lab Organization Luigi A. Pederzini, MD, ITALYWhat to Teach? Mustafa Karahan, Prof., TURKEYDaily Life Meniscal Surgery - What to Teach? João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGALCartilage Arthroscopic Surgery - What is Important to Know? Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALYACL Arthroscopy - What to Teach? Moises Cohen, MD, PhD, Prof., BRAZILDiscussion Luigi A. Pederzini, MD, ITALY
2017 Congress Symposium Video 56 minutes group rating (5)
Alberto Gobbi, MD, FRACS, ITALY
Knee Arthroscopy Instability Ligaments Meniscus Medial Lateral Sprain MRI Sport Specific Injuries
2017 Congress Paper Abstract Web rating (1)
Nuno Sevivas, MD, PhD, PORTUGAL
Shoulder Glenohumeral Tendon Tears Basic Science Biologics Repair / Reconstruction Supraespinoatus Tendon Injury
Shoulder Tears Outcome Studies Arthroscopy Repair / Reconstruction
2015 Congress Lecture Video Not yet rated
Mitsuo Ochi, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Knee Ligaments Instability Outcome Studies Double Bundle ACL
Biology and Biomechanics Hélder M. D. Pereira, Prof.,MD, PhD., PORTUGALAllografts: Technique – How to limit Extrusion? Joan Carles Monllau, MD, PhD, Prof., SPAINAllografts: Long Term Outcomes Peter Verdonk, MD, PhD, BELGIUMScaffolds: Outcomes and Complications. Nicolas Pujol, MD, FRANCEMeniscectomy vs. Substitution Stefano Zaffagnini, MD, Prof., ITALYIndications and Contraindications in 2015 Philippe Beaufils, MD, FRANCEDiscussion Philippe Beaufils, MD, FRANCE
2015 Congress Symposium Video 50 minutes group rating (12)
João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGAL Philippe Beaufils, MD, FRANCE
Knee Meniscus Osteoarthritis MRI Medial Lateral Allograft Outcome Studies Arthroscopy Tears
Introduction João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGALStress X Rays and Radiographic Evaluation Elvire Servien, MD, PhD, Prof., FRANCELaxity Measurement in MRI - Rotation and Translation João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGALHow Can the Pivot Shift Help to Score Your Patient? Volker Musahl, MD, Prof., UNITED STATESQuantitative Evaluation of the Pivot Shift using an Electromagnetic Measurement System Ryosuke Kuroda, MD, PhD, JAPANRobotic Sagittal and Rotational Laxity Measurement of ACL Tears Andrew D. Pearle, MD, UNITED STATESNew Ways to Evaluate Rotational Laxity Romain Seil, MD, Prof., LUXEMBOURG
2015 Congress Symposium Video 74 minutes Not yet rated
João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGAL
Knee Ligaments Instability Physical Examination Biomechanics Repair / Reconstruction ACL Sport Specific Injuries Double Bundle Capsuloligamentous Complex
2015 Congress Paper Abstract Web rating (1)
Knee Patellofemoral Dislocation Instability MRI CT-Scan Biomechanics Outcome Studies Repair / Reconstruction Recurrent Subluxation and Dislocation
Introduction Stephen P. Abelow, MD, Prof, UNITED STATESACI Mats G. Brittberg, MD, PhD, Prof., SWEDENMosaicplasty João Espregueira-Mendes, MD, PhD, Full Prof., PORTUGALMicrofracture Alex Vaisman, MD, Prof., CHILECase Discussion Stephen P. Abelow, MD, Prof, UNITED STATES
2013 Congress Debate Video 2013 Not yet rated
Stephen P. Abelow, MD, Prof, UNITED STATES
2013 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Hélder M. D. Pereira, Prof.,MD, PhD., PORTUGAL
Professional Athletes / Olympians Sport Specific Population Knee Meniscus Arthritis CT-Scan Basic Science Sport Specific Injuries Biomechanics Arthroscopy
Unpaid Consultant for Dawako Medtech SL, Episurf MedicalEditorial or Governing board of Journal of ISAKOS, The Journal of Cartilage & Joint Preservation