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Fundación Valle del Lili - ICESI University Cali, Valle del Cauca COLOMBIA Paulo Llinas H Knee and Shoulder Surgeon Fundación Valle del Lili, University Hospital Professor at ICESI University Director of the Fellowship Program in Arthroscopic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Shoulder and Knee Editorial Board Member of the American Journal of Sports Medicine (AJSM) President of ACCART (Asociación Colombiana de Cirugía Artroscópica y Reconstructiva) 2019-2021 ISAKOS Active Member
Challenging Cases in Proximal Humeral Fractures – A Global Perspective Emilio Calvo, MD, PhD, MBA, SPAIN Denny T. T. Lie, MBBS, FRCS, FAMS, SINGAPORECase 1: I Managed to Preserve the Humeral Head, and Fix the Fracture Joseph P. DeAngelis, MD, UNITED STATESCase 2: I Couldn’t Preserve the Head, but HEMI was the Best Option! Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINACase 3: RSA Was Eventually the Best Option For Me Paulo J. Llinas Hernandez, MD, Prof., COLOMBIACase 4: Conservative Treatment May Be Better Than Surgery Andreas Voss, MD, GERMANY
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 65 minutes group rating (28)
Emilio Calvo, MD, PhD, MBA, SPAIN Denny T. T. Lie, MBBS, FRCS, FAMS, SINGAPORE
Shoulder Fracture Glenohumeral
How to Become a Shoulder Surgeon: Tips and Tricks from Experts Around the World Andreas Voss, MD, GERMANYIntroduction Andreas Voss, MD, GERMANYClinical Examination of the Shoulder - The Key for Every Successful Treatment Andreas Voss, MD, GERMANYImaging of the Shoulder - A Step by Step Approach - What to Look Out For! Knut Beitzel, Prof. Dr., GERMANYArthroscopic or Open Tenodesis of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon - Two Ways One Aim Paulo J. Llinas Hernandez, MD, Prof., COLOMBIAArthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair - Tips and Tricks for the First Surgeries Pietro S. Randelli, MD, Prof., ITALYArthroscopic Shoulder Stabilization - Lateral Decubitus or Beach Chair Position - My Way of Surgery Eric C. McCarty, MD, UNITED STATESTips and Tricks to Become a Shoulder Surgeon - The experience of my career Andreas B. Imhoff, MD, Prof. Emeritus, GERMANYDiscussion
2023 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 89 minutes Not yet rated
Andreas Voss, MD, GERMANY
Shoulder Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Rotator Cuff Tears Medical Aspects Arthroscopy Sutures / Knots / Anchors Sport Specific Injuries Research
Surgical Treatments for the Young Patient with Massive Rotator Cuff Tears Emilio Calvo, MD, PhD, MBA, SPAINIntroductionSuperior Capsular Reconstruction using Dermal Allograft is Reliable Albert Lin, MD, UNITED STATESThick and Stiff is the Way: Superior Capsular Reconstruction using Fascia Lata Teruhisa Mihata, MD, PhD, JAPANKeep it Simple: Superior Capsular Reconstruction using Long Head of the Biceps Paulo J. Llinas Hernandez, MD, Prof., COLOMBIAOne Step Forward: Bridging Interposition Reconstruction using Dermal Allograft Ivan Wong, MD, FRCSC, MACM, Dip. Sports Med, CANADARestore Biomechanics: Tendon Transfers Benno Ejnisman, MD, BRAZILDiscussion
2023 Congress Symposium Video 56 minutes group rating (1)
Emilio Calvo, MD, PhD, MBA, SPAIN
Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tears Repair / Reconstruction Arthroscopy Sport Specific Injuries Tendon MRI Ultrasound Autograft
Tips and Tricks for Successful TSA and RSA Arthroplasty Clara Azevedo, MD, PhD, PORTUGAL Knut Beitzel, Prof. Dr., GERMANY Denny T. T. Lie, MBBS, FRCS, FAMS, SINGAPOREAnatomic Shoulder Replacement GIOVANNI DI GIACOMO, MD, ITALYReverse Shoulder Replacement Francesco Franceschi, MD, Prof, ITALY
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 92 minutes group rating (3)
Clara Azevedo, MD, PhD, PORTUGAL Knut Beitzel, Prof. Dr., GERMANY Denny T. T. Lie, MBBS, FRCS, FAMS, SINGAPORE
Shoulder Total Joint Replacement Arthroplasty
Meet The Experts: Shoulder Instability Andreas B. Imhoff, MD, Prof. Emeritus, GERMANY Augustus D. Mazzocca, MS, MD, UNITED STATESCase Introduction Andreas B. Imhoff, MD, Prof. Emeritus, GERMANYCase 2: Shoulder Instability Nahum Rosenberg, MD, PhD, MOrthop, MBA, FRCS(England), Prof., ISRAELCase 3: Shoulder Instability Paulo J. Llinas Hernandez, MD, Prof., COLOMBIACase 4: Shoulder Instability Eric C. McCarty, MD, UNITED STATESCase 5: Shoulder Instability Ivan Wong, MD, FRCSC, MACM, Dip. Sports Med, CANADA
2021 Congress Symposium Video 65 minutes group rating (20)
Andreas B. Imhoff, MD, Prof. Emeritus, GERMANY Augustus D. Mazzocca, MS, MD, UNITED STATES
Shoulder Elbow / Wrist / Hand Instability Glenohumeral Dislocation Arthroscopy Endoscopy Failed Capsuloligamentous Complex Labrum
Introduction Paulo J. Llinas Hernandez, MD, Prof., COLOMBIAFirst Episode of Traumatic Shoulder Dislocation in Young Patients: SLARD Consensus and Overview Daniel Rojas, MD, CHILEArthroscopic Bankart: Tips and Tricks Pablo A. Narbona, MD, ARGENTINARemplissage: When and How Joel Murachovsky, MD, PhD, BRAZILBone Procedures: Portfolio in Options and Techniques Luis A. Pinzón-Paez, MD, COLOMBIADiscussion
2021 Congress Partner Society Symposium Video 59 minutes group rating (12)
Paulo J. Llinas Hernandez, MD, Prof., COLOMBIA
Shoulder Instability Glenohumeral Bones Arthroscopy Allograft Dislocation Ligaments Labrum Fracture
Reconstrucción Capsular Superior y Opciones en Rupturas Masivas del Manguito RotadorSuperior Capsule Reconstruction and Options for Massive Rotator Cuff TearsReconstrução de cápsula superior e opções para grandes lacerações do manguito rotadorReleases and Repairs. What Can Be Done Without a Patch? Arnaldo Amado Ferreira Neto, MD, PhD, BRAZILReleases and Repairs. What Can Be Done Without a Patch? Arnaldo Amado Ferreira Neto, MD, PhD, BRAZILTips and Pitfalls of Superior Capsule Reconstruction Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD, UNITED STATESTips and Pitfalls of Superior Capsule Reconstruction Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD, UNITED STATESHow Can We Improve the Outcomes? Technique or Biology? Augustus D. Mazzocca, MS, MD, UNITED STATESTransferencia del Latissimus Dorsi Mas Reconstruccion del Manguito Rotador Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINALatissimus Dorsi Transfer Plus Cuff Repair Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINAProtesis Reversa de Hombro Melchor Ivan Encalada-Díaz, MD, MEXICOReverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Melchor Ivan Encalada-Díaz, MD, MEXICO
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 2020 group rating (12)
Shoulder Repair / Reconstruction
Speaker for Stryker, Link, Adium