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Hospital Italiano de Rosario Instituto Jaime Slullitel Rosario, Santa Fe ARGENTINA Deputy Chair Education Committee Isakos Prof Adj Universidad Abierta Interamericana Rosario President Argentine Arthroscopy Association 2012 2014 Director Sport Medicine and Arthroscopy Instituto Jaime Slullitel Rosario ISAKOS Active Member
2023 Congress Global Case-Based Discussion Video 61 minutes Not yet rated
Shoulder Tears Sport Specific Injuries Repair / Reconstruction Glenohumeral Rotator Cuff Bones Tendon Ligaments Labrum
SLARD: Shoulder Instability in Contact Sport Athletes Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINACase Discussion: 24-year old Cross Fit. Pain and Instability. Abnormal Glenoid Retroversion Fabio Restrepo Tello, MD, COLOMBIACase Discussion: 21-year old Overhead Contact Athlete. Pain and Instability. MRI Anterior Labral plus Biceps Lesion Melchor Ivan Encalada-Díaz, MD, MEXICOCase Discussion: 22-year old Rugby Player. Bilateral Instability. MRI Labral Damage Mario V. Larrain, MD, ARGENTINA
2023 Congress Partner Society Symposium Video 56 minutes group rating (1)
Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINA
Shoulder Instability Sport Specific Injuries Arthroscopy Glenohumeral Labrum Physical Examination MRI CT-Scan Sutures / Knots / Anchors
Video Techniques in Shoulder Instability: Expert Ideas to Solve Problems Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINATips and Tricks for Doing a Good and Reliable Bankart Repair Marie-Eve LeBel, MD, MHPE, FRCSC, CANADABankart Repair with Tapes and Knotless Anchors Mauricio Largacha, MD, COLOMBIAPosterior Glenoid Bone Defect plus 25%. What Should I Do? Fernando E. Barclay, MD, ARGENTINABroken Screws in Latarjet Revision: What Should I Do? Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINAPeripheral Track and Tweeners: My Best Technique Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINA
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 77 minutes group rating (20)
Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINA
Shoulder Instability Repair / Reconstruction Glenohumeral Bones
Introduction Martin Lind, MD, PhD, Prof., DENMARKReview of ACL Reconstruction Optimization by Addressing Concomitant Pathology Robert A. Magnussen, MD, MPH, UNITED STATESAnterolateral Augmentation Indications and Techniques Brian M. Devitt, MD, PhD, FRCS, FRACS, IRELANDTibial Osteotomy and ACL Reconstruction Indications and Techniques Robert G. Marx, MD, UNITED STATESCase Examples with Primary ACL Reconstruction and Anterolateral Augmentation Alex Vaisman, MD, Prof., CHILECase Examples with Primary ACL Reconstruction and Tibial Osteotomy ACL Reconstruction Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINACase Examples with Revision ACL Reconstruction and Anterolateral Augmentation Juan Pablo Previgliano, MD, ARGENTINADiscussion
2021 Congress Instructional Course Lecture Video 78 minutes group rating (65)
Sebastián Irarrázaval, MD, CHILE Martin Lind, MD, PhD, Prof., DENMARK
Knee Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Ligaments Instability Repair / Reconstruction ACL Anterolateral Ligament Arthroscopy Capsuloligamentous Complex MRI
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2021 Not yet rated
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Epidemiology
Quad Tendon ACL: Where We Are Now Masahiro Kurosaka, MD, JAPAN Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINAQuad Tendon ACL: Results and Complications Daniel C. Wascher, MD, UNITED STATESSoft Tissue Partial Thickness Quad Graft For ACL Harvest and Recovery of Function Julian A. Feller, FRACS, FAOrthA, AUSTRALIAThe All Soft Tissue Quad Tendon ACL: Surgical Technique and Future Directions John Xerogeanes, MD, UNITED STATESMinimal Invasive Quad Tendon Harvest for ACL Reconstruction Technique and Outcome Christian Fink, MD, Prof., AUSTRIA
2021 Congress Symposium Video 55 minutes group rating (8)
Masahiro Kurosaka, MD, JAPAN Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINA
Knee Ligaments Instability ACL Autograft Repair / Reconstruction Arthroscopy Sprain Sport Specific Injuries Single Bundle
Reconstrucción Capsular Superior y Opciones en Rupturas Masivas del Manguito RotadorSuperior Capsule Reconstruction and Options for Massive Rotator Cuff TearsReconstrução de cápsula superior e opções para grandes lacerações do manguito rotadorReleases and Repairs. What Can Be Done Without a Patch? Arnaldo Amado Ferreira Neto, MD, PhD, BRAZILReleases and Repairs. What Can Be Done Without a Patch? Arnaldo Amado Ferreira Neto, MD, PhD, BRAZILTips and Pitfalls of Superior Capsule Reconstruction Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD, UNITED STATESTips and Pitfalls of Superior Capsule Reconstruction Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD, UNITED STATESHow Can We Improve the Outcomes? Technique or Biology? Augustus D. Mazzocca, MS, MD, UNITED STATESTransferencia del Latissimus Dorsi Mas Reconstruccion del Manguito Rotador Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINALatissimus Dorsi Transfer Plus Cuff Repair Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINAProtesis Reversa de Hombro Melchor Ivan Encalada-Díaz, MD, MEXICOReverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Melchor Ivan Encalada-Díaz, MD, MEXICO
ISAKOS Webinars Webinar Video 2020 group rating (12)
Shoulder Repair / Reconstruction
Throw the Towel in and Make Everyone Happy: Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINABe All You Can Be: Subscapularis and Infraspinatus Are Enough Jeffrey S. Abrams, MD, UNITED STATESAfter the Fulcrum, the Best Sum of All Things: Rehabilitation! Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINADiscussion Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINAMy (The Best) Technique for Superior Capsule Reconstruction Giuseppe Milano, Prof., ITALYAddress the Pain: Biceps, Suprascapular Nerve, and Counting Kevin D. Plancher, MD, MPH, UNITED STATES
2019 Congress Symposium Video 92 minutes group rating (9)
Tears Impingement X-ray Arthroplasty Repair / Reconstruction Sutures / Knots / Anchors Outcome Studies Failed Shoulder Glenohumeral
Knot vs. Knotless Repair in Shoulder Surgery Melchor Ivan Encalada-Díaz, MD, MEXICOGlenoid Reconstruction: Bone Block vs. Latarjet Fabio Restrepo Tello, MD, COLOMBIAShoulder Laxity: Is Latarjet the Right Way to Go? Vicente Gutierrez, MD, CHILEFive Lessons I've Learned in Shoulder Instability Guillermo Arce, MD, ARGENTINACase Discussion Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINA
2019 Congress Symposium Video 55 minutes Not yet rated
Shoulder Glenohumeral Instability Capsuloligamentous Complex Repair / Reconstruction Ligaments Labrum Bones Dislocation Allograft
The Perfect Case for Cuff Repair: How to Choose the Best Technique? Mauricio Gutierrez, MD, COLOMBIAThe Perfect Case for Tendon Transfers: Tendon Transfer Selection, Technique, and Results Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINAThe Perfect Case for Superior Capsular Reconstruction; Is It Really Effective?: Cost/Benefits and Graft Selection Mark Ferguson, MD, GERMANYWe Lost the Battle, from the Balloon to the Reverse: When and Why? Michael E. Hantes, MD, PhD, Prof., GREECEDiscussion Angel Calvo, MD, SPAIN
2019 Congress Symposium Video 47 minutes group rating (1)
Angel Calvo, MD, SPAIN
Shoulder Glenohumeral Tendon Tears Repair / Reconstruction Supraespinoatus Tendon Injury MRI Subescapular Tendon Injury Practice Management Outcome Studies
2019 Congress Paper Presentation Video 3 minutes Not yet rated
Tenodesis Proximal de Bíceps: Rápida y Efectiva Francesc Soler, MD, PhD, SPAINEviten el Dolor Residual: Tenodesis Supra-Pectoral Artroscópica Daniel A. Slullitel, MD, Prof., ARGENTINASup-Pectoral con Mini-Abordaje es Mejor y Mas Segura que Cualquier Otra Opción Eduardo Sanchez-Alepuz, MD, SPAINPreguntas y Respuestas: Discusión Entre el Panel de Disertantes y la Audiencia Nils Erick Calderón, Doctor en Medicina, BOLIVIA
2019 Congress Symposium Video 26 minutes group rating (1)
Shoulder Glenohumeral Tendon Arthroscopy Long Head Biceps Tendon Injury Impingement Instability Tears MRI Ultrasound
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2017 Not yet rated
Scott Caterine, Masters Candidate, CANADA
Muscle Tendon Bursa Ligaments Meniscus Joints Osteoarthritis Trauma Arthritis Impingement
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts PDF 2012 Not yet rated
Shoulder Glenohumeral Capsuloligamentous Complex Dislocation Instability
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts PDF 2011 Not yet rated
Professional Athletes / Olympians Knee Capsuloligamentous Complex Ligaments Instability Physical Examination MRI Arthroscopy Double Bundle Repair / Reconstruction
Speaker for fergus