Cellular Behavior In A Partial-Thickness Cartilage Defect Under Hydrostatic Pressure and/or Strain Mimicking Weight-Bearing and Joint-Loading

Cellular Behavior In A Partial-Thickness Cartilage Defect Under Hydrostatic Pressure and/or Strain Mimicking Weight-Bearing and Joint-Loading

Chilan Leite, MD, PhD, UNITED STATES Christian Lattermann, MD, UNITED STATES Shuichi Mizuno, Ph.D., UNITED STATES

Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, UNITED STATES

2023 Congress   ePoster Presentation   2023 Congress   Not yet rated


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Summary: While arc-bending strain suppress cell proliferation and stimulate ECM degradation, combined hydrostatic pressure and arc-bending strain overcome these responses, suggesting a key role of compressive loading in maintaining a healthy articular cartilage


Traumatic knee injuries frequently lead to partial-thickness defects in articular cartilage that can progress to further chondral degeneration and ultimately osteoarthritis. Little is known about progressive degeneration in partial-thickness cartilage defects. This study aimed to characterize cellular behavior in a partial defect model under cyclic hydrostatic pressure (HP) and/or arc-bending strain (BS) to develop novel therapeutic strategies.


Round articular cartilage discs were harvested from bovine humeral heads using a 6-mm biopsy punch. A partial-thickness defect (2 mm in diameter x 1 mm in depth) was created at the center of each disc with a 2-mm biopsy punch and a drill bit. Discs were randomly allocated to four culture conditions: 1) Unloaded control (Control); 2) cyclic BS at 0-4%, 0.5 Hz; 3) cyclic HP at 0-0.5 MPa, 0.5 Hz; and 4) HP combined with BS (HP/BS). The discs were incubated under the above conditions in culture media at 37°C and 5% CO2 for 9 days. At days 6 and 9, discs were harvested (n=8/group) and cut down the middle. From each sample, a 2-mm thick slice was obtained at the center portion and incubated in Live/Dead staining dye for viability evaluation. The rest of the discs were fixed and embedded in paraffin, and 7-µm sections were stained with safranin-O (Saf-O) to evaluate cartilage matrix and cell shape. To evaluate cell proliferation and degeneration, sections were stained with antibodies against proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13), respectively. Percentage of live/dead cells, anucleate cells, PCNA-positive and MMP-13 positive cells were counted within defined areas. Two-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s post hoc tests were used for statistical analysis. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05.


Cell viability remained high in all groups (>80%) over 9 days of culture. Intensity of Saf-O staining was slightly lower under BS compared to other conditions, suggesting a slight reduction in sulfated glycosaminoglycan. Anucleate cells were observed in all conditions; however, at day 6 HP showed significantly fewer anucleate cells compared to BS (P<0.01) or AP (P<0.01). At day 9, AP showed a higher percentage of anucleate cells than BS (P<0.01) or HP alone (P<0.01). The percentage of PCNA-positive cells at day 6 was significantly lower under BS than AP (P<0.01), HP (P<0.01) or HP/BS (P<0.01). At day 9, all conditions showed a reduction in proliferating cells; again, BS presented a lower percentage of PCNA-positive cells in comparison to HP (P<0.01). The percentage of MMP-13-positive cells at day 6 was significantly higher under BS than HP/BS (P< 0.01), HP (P< 0.01), or AP (P <0.01), and higher under HP/BS than AP (P <0.01). At day 9, BS presented a higher percentage of MMP-13-positive cells than HP (P<0.01).


While BS suppressed cell proliferation and stimulated ECM degradation, combined HP/BS overcame these responses, suggesting the key role of compressive loading (HP/BS) in maintaining a healthy articular cartilage. Clinically, BS may mimic non-weight bearing joint movement, whereas HP/BS represents joint movement with weight bearing. This model holds potential in the development of repair strategies and postoperative rehabilitation protocols.

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