Efficacy Of Enoxaparin As A Thromboprophylactic Agent In Major Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgeries.

Efficacy Of Enoxaparin As A Thromboprophylactic Agent In Major Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgeries.

Raghavendra Raju, MBBS,MS, INDIA Prasad Soraganvi, MBBS, MS, DNB, MRCS, SICOT-dip, INDIA


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Summary: Incidence of DVT in Indian population is 14.49% without thromboprophylaxis.

The incidence of VTE was 14.49% after surgery for hip and proximal femur fracture without administration of VTE prophylaxis and was only 8% when prophylaxis was administered. Enoxaparin is one of the leading agents in this class being registered for use in this indication. [1]This study has been done to evaluate the efficacy of Enoxaparin as a thrombo prophylactic agent in major lower limb orthopaedic surgeries in Indian population.


This is a prospective study conducted in PES Hospital from 2015 to 2016. Inclusion criteria includes : Arthroplasty -(hip and knee),Major Trauma, exclusion criteria include-Proved cases of DVT, pathological fractures, Pregnancy, Hypersensitivity to heparin, Patient at risk for bleeding complications .A total of 185 cases were studied. All patients received DVT prophylaxis in the form of inj. Enoxaparin, 40mg s.c., for 10 days following surgery. All the patients underwent three B/L lower limb venous dopper(one pre op, second on 11 th post op day and third one at 1 month follow up)


Out of 185 cases only one case (0.54%) was positive for DVT at second follow up venous Doppler, at 11th post op day. In rest of the 184 cases there was no evidence of DVT in any venous Doppler scan.


Incidence of DVT in Indian population with major lower limb trauma is 14.49%, incidence reduced to 8% after prophylaxis.


Incidence of DVT in Indian population is 14.49% without thromboprophylaxis. The incidence of DVT is 0.54 % in our institution with thromboprophylaxis using Enoxaparin.

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