Association Of Ischemia Time And Serum Lactate Levels With Postoperative Pain In Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty At The Orthopedics And Traumatology Service At The Unidad Médica De Alta Especialidad No. 1 Bajío.

Association Of Ischemia Time And Serum Lactate Levels With Postoperative Pain In Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty At The Orthopedics And Traumatology Service At The Unidad Médica De Alta Especialidad No. 1 Bajío.

Juan Antonio García Ramírez, MD, MEXICO

instituto mexicano del seguro social , leon, guanajuato, MEXICO

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Summary: Evualuate the association of postquirurgical pain 6 and 24 hours and lactate serum levels after using ischemia in primary total knee replacement


Knee arthoplasty are associated with multiple ethiologic factors mainly with degenerative disease of the cartilage this pathology has seen an increase in the cases , surgeries and therapeutic choices , knee total replacement has been seen as the best therapeutical option as of clinical and satisfaction results, there are several ways of approaching the postquirurgical pain and the usage of ischemia


Evualuate the association of postquirurgical pain 6 and 24 hours and lactate serum levels after using ischemia in primary total knee replacement


and material
We did a prospective, comparative , observational , cross-study , with only one study group we did it in the period of time between april and october on year 2021 in UMAE N 1 Leon, Guanajato using discretion sampling we included all patients that were scheduled for a primary total knee replacement , we measured the pain in reference to the analog numeric scale (ENA) at 6 hours and 24 hours prior to the surgery , we also measured de basal lactate serum at the moment of retiring the ischemia and 24 h later


In total , there where 98 patients, 60 were women and 38 men in the articular surgery service on UMAE n 1 in Leon , Guanajuato , Mexico , we encounter a mean ENA of 6 at 6 and 24 hours postquirurgically we found a positive significance relation between the association with the ischemia time and the augmentation of lactate with post surgery pain


The results obtained in the present work allow us to conclude that pain and serum lactate levels rose at 24 hours post-surgical, maintaining a predominance of moderate and severe pain. In addition, the time of ischemia that was observed had statistically significant correlations with the lactate at 24 hours and with the pain experienced also at 24 hours, which means that, the longer the time of ischemia, the greater the pain experienced by the patients and the higher the lactate levels.

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