Meniscal And Cartilage Changes On MRI 5-9 Years After Medial Opening-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy

Meniscal And Cartilage Changes On MRI 5-9 Years After Medial Opening-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy

Satomi Abe, MD, PhD, JAPAN Keisuke Matsukura, UNITED STATES

Asahikawa Medical University, Asahikawa, JAPAN

2023 Congress   ePoster Presentation   2023 Congress   Not yet rated


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Summary: MOWHTO has a positive effect on the medial cartilage and meniscus in middle term. When a meniscectomy was performed, MME tended to progress.


Medial Opening-Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy (MOWHTO) affects the medial compartment positively on arthroscopy and MRI in short term. Middle- to long-term effects are not clear. The purpose was to evaluate the effects of MOWHTO on the meniscus and cartilage of the medial compartment on MRI for up to 9 years.


Subjects were 24 knees that underwent MOWHTO for osteoarthritis and osteonecrosis, including 5 knees combined microfracture, 7 knees combined with medial meniscus partial resection for flap degenerative injury, and 5 all MMPRT were not treated. We evaluated X-rays and serial MRIs. The MRI was performed pre-operation, early-term (1-2 years), and mid-term (5-9 years) postoperatively. We evaluated the MOCART score, the T2 relaxation times of each cartilage, and the extrusion of the medial meniscus (MME).


The X-ray course was as follows, preoperative %MA 32% mid-term 62%, MPTA 85 degrees before surgery, and 92 degrees in the middle term. The MOCART score was kept from the early to the middle term. The score was the lowest in the combination with MF. ‘Volume score’ was lower in MF and meniscus resection. ‘Subchondral bone score’ was the lowest in the MF group. T2 relaxation times in the medial femoral condyle and tibial plateau decreased statistically (P < .05). In MOWHTO combined with MF, both the femur and tibia tended to deteriorate toward the middle term. There were no statistical differences in MME, while two cases were improved. The amount of MME was 5.9±1.7mm in pre-operation, 6.7±3.4mm in the early term, and 7.3±2.5 mm in the middle term, when a partial meniscectomy was performed. Each MME amount was 3.6±2.1 in pre-operation, 4.9±1.8 in the early term, and 4.3±3.3mm in the middle term, when the meniscus was unresected.


Mid-term MRI images were evaluated. MOWHTO has a positive effect on the medial cartilage and meniscus, but it has not been sufficiently repaired on the MRI. When a meniscectomy was performed, MME tended to progress. Reconstruction of cartilage and meniscus can be expected to improve the long-term evaluation of osteotomy.

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