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Yukioka Hospital Osaka, Osaka JAPAN ISAKOS Honorary Member
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2022 Not yet rated
Ryohei Uchida, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Knee Meniscus Repair / Reconstruction
ISAKOS Video Series Special Presentation Video 21 minutes rating (5)
Konsei Shino, MD, PhD, JAPAN
ISAKOS Highlight
2019 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Yuta Tachibana, M.D., Ph.D., JAPAN
Knee Ligaments Instability Tears X-ray MRI CT-Scan Outcome Studies Arthroscopy Autograft
Introduction Edward M. Wojtys, MD, UNITED STATESACL Grafting to Mimic the Native ACL: Patellar Tendon & Hamstring Konsei Shino, MD, PhD, JAPANThe Thickness of the ACL Midsubstance in Relation to PCL and Lateral Femoral Condyle Anastasios D. Georgoulis, MD, Prof., GREECEThe “Ribbon” Concept of ACL Anatomy Robert Smigielski, MD, PhD, POLANDIndividualized and Anatomical ACL Reconstruction Freddie H. Fu, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussion Scott F. Dye, MD, UNITED STATES
2015 Congress Symposium Video 42 minutes group rating (9)
Konsei Shino, MD, PhD, JAPAN Edward M. Wojtys, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Ligaments Instability Double Bundle ACL Sport Specific Injuries Basic Science Single Bundle Bones Trauma
2015 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Tatsuo Mae, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Knee Ligaments Instability Biomechanics Arthroscopy ACL
Introduction Robert A. Arciero, MD, UNITED STATESEvaluation of Failed ACL: How to Make Sure it Works the Second Time, Graft Choice and Technique Konsei Shino, MD, PhD, JAPANTunnel and Hardware Problems: When I Single Stage, When I Bone Graft and Technique Christopher D. Harner, MD, FAOA, UNITED STATESThe Role of Extra-Articular Knee Reconstruction in Revision ACL Surgery Stefano Zaffagnini, MD, Prof., ITALYManagement of Collateral Ligament Laxity in ACL Revision Robert G. Marx, MD, UNITED STATESRole of Osteotomy in ACL Revision Annunziato Amendola, MD, UNITED STATESDiscussion Robert G. Marx, MD, UNITED STATES
2015 Congress Symposium Video 63 minutes group rating (2)
Robert G. Marx, MD, UNITED STATES Robert A. Arciero, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Ligaments Instability ACL MRI Repair / Reconstruction Tears X-ray Failed Allograft
Hamstrings vs. Patellar Tendon James R. Andrews, MD, UNITED STATESHamstrings vs. Patellar Tendon Konsei Shino, MD, PhD, JAPANHamstrings vs. Patellar Tendon Discussion Matteo Denti, MD, ITALY
2015 Congress Debate Video 15 minutes Not yet rated
Matteo Denti, MD, ITALY
Knee Bones Ligaments Osteoarthritis Instability Sport Specific Injuries Biomechanics Autograft Double Bundle Repair / Reconstruction
Revision ACL Surgery: The University of Pittsburgh ExperienceRevision ACL Surgery from the American Experience Robert G. Marx, MD, UNITED STATESRevision ACL Surgery from the Japanese Experience Konsei Shino, MD, PhD, JAPANRevision ACL Surgery from the Canadian Experience Daniel B. Whelan, MD, MSc, FRCSC, Dip. Sports Med, CANADARevision ACL Surgery from the Italian Experience Stefano Zaffagnini, MD, Prof., ITALYDiscussion
2013 Congress Symposium Video 2013 Not yet rated
Knee Ligaments Failed Repair / Reconstruction ACL Instability Evidence Based Medicine Arthroscopy
2013 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Sport Specific Population Knee Ligaments Sport Specific Injuries Outcome Studies Arthroscopy ACL
Yuzo Yamada, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Knee Patellofemoral Dislocation MRI Basic Science Recurrent Subluxation and Dislocation
2013 Congress Symposium Video Not yet rated
James H. Lubowitz, MD, UNITED STATES
Knee Ligaments Instability Arthroscopy Repair / Reconstruction ACL
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