Anterior tibial subluxation measured with the bone axis method on preoperative MRI may reflect the pivot shift test under anesthesia in ACL injury cases: Multi-center study
Nobuaki Hayashi, MD, JAPAN Shotaro Watanabe, MD, PhD, JAPAN Tsuyoshi Hamada, MD, JAPAN Manato Horii, MD, JAPAN Yuta Muramatsu, MD, PhD, JAPAN Yusuke Sato, MD, PhD, JAPAN Masahiko Saito, MD, PhD, JAPAN taisuke fukawa, MD, PhD, JAPAN Ryuichiro Akagi, MD, PhD, JAPAN Ryosuke Nakagawa, MD, JAPAN Takahisa Sasho, MD, PhD, JAPAN
Chiba University, Chiba, Chiba , JAPAN
2025 Congress
ePoster Presentation
2025 Congress
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Summary: The difference in lateral versus medial anterior tibial subluxation measured with the bone axis method on preoperative MRI enabled the detection of higher-grade pivot shift tests that were often masked by muscle tension while patients were awake and only detected under anesthesia.