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Hospital Mater Dei / UORT Salvador, Bahia BRAZIL tttp:// ISAKOS Active Member
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2016 Not yet rated
David Sadigursky , MD, MSc, BRAZIL
Pediatric / Adolescent Knee Patellofemoral Ligaments Instability Outcome Studies Repair / Reconstruction Acute Patella Dislocation Recurrent Subluxation and Dislocation
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2015 Not yet rated
Elderly Knee Practice Management Total Joint Replacement
Knee Patellofemoral Ligaments Dislocation Instability Practice Management Repair / Reconstruction Recurrent Subluxation and Dislocation
2015 Congress Paper Abstract Web Not yet rated
Knee Cartilage Osteoarthritis Cartilage Treatment Cartilage Injuries
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2014 Not yet rated
Elderly Knee Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis Practice Management Arthroplasty Total Joint Replacement Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis
Knee Patellofemoral Ligaments Dislocation Instability Practice Management Repair / Reconstruction Acute Patella Dislocation Recurrent Subluxation and Dislocation Patellofemoral Ligament Rupture
ISAKOS Newsletters Current Concepts eBook 2013 Not yet rated
Professional Athletes / Olympians Knee Hip / Groin / Thigh Muscle Preventative Sports Medicine Rehabilition / Physical Therapy Sport Specific Injuries
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