Open Versus Modi?ed Arthroscopic Treatment Of Acute Acromioclavicular Dislocation Using A Single Tight Rope: Randomized Comparative Study Of Clinical Outcome And Cost-Effectiveness

Open Versus Modi?ed Arthroscopic Treatment Of Acute Acromioclavicular Dislocation Using A Single Tight Rope: Randomized Comparative Study Of Clinical Outcome And Cost-Effectiveness

Tarek M. T. Ghandour, MD, EGYPT

Ain Shams University -Faculty of Medicine -Orthopedic Department, Cairo, Cairo, EGYPT

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Summary: Both open and arthroscopic repair of AC joint dislocation yielded good clinical results, yet the arthroscopic tech-nique is more expensive and has a longer surgical time.


The purpose of this study was to compare clinical outcome and cost-effectiveness between arthroscopic and open repair using TightRope in acromioclavicular joint dislocation III and IV. Patients and methods: Fifty-two patients with acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation type III and IV were included. Patients were randomly allocated to either of 2 groups: Arthroscopic Repair Group (ARG) and Open Repair Group (ORG). Constant-Murley Score (CMS), visual analog scale (VAS) score, and coracoclavicular (CC) distance were measured preoperatively and 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years postoperatively.


CMS increased from 40.68 for the ARG and 40.70 for the ORG preoperatively to 84.18 and 84.45 after 2 years from operation. VAS score decreased from 60.59 for the ARG and 64.50 for the ORG 1 day after surgery to 18.04 and 17.87 respectively after 6 months. CC distance decreased from 29.27 mm in the ARG and 28.16 mm in the ORG preoperatively to 9.86 mm in the ARG and 10.54 mm in the ORG on postoperative day 1. Rewidening of the CC distance occurred after 6 months (13.27 mm for the ARG and 13.62 mm for the ORG) and 1 year postoperatively (15.77 for the ARG and 15.41 for the ORG) but remained stable at ?nal follow-up. There was a signi?cant difference in sur-gical time (80.00 minutes in the ARG compared to 52.79 minutes in the ORG) and cost of consumables (US$1729.95 in the ARG compared to US$851.87 in the ORG).


Open and arthroscopic repair of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocation yielded good clinical results, yet the arthroscopic technique is more expensive and has a longer surgical time. Level of evidence: Level I; Randomized Controlled Trial; Treatment Study

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